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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 42


No.2138084 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread >>2129296
(We mainly talk Doom, but Unreal/Duke/Quake/Marathon/whatever are also welcome! Let's post like gentlemen)

The OFFICIAL Doom Wiki, actively maintained and supported by the Doom community. Want to learn more about Doom? Check this site first!

FAQ/Pastebin, updated semi-frequently

IRC (Password is in the FAQ.)
Channel: #vr



/idgames torrent (as of 11/25/2013; 12GB):

##Our WADs can be found here!## (old)


200 Minutes of /vr/:
Metroid Dreadnought:
The Space Pirate:

Doom RPG:
DoomRL Arsenal:
Hideous Destructor:
Shut Up And Bleed:
604 posts and 78 images omitted

Gotta go fast

No.2138964 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>google your name + the hedgehog
>post results
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Elm: "Are you a boy or a girl?"

No.2131339 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I posed this question before, but I think my thread got pruned because I wasn't clear enough...

If you're male, why do you choose to play as the girl character in Pokemob Crystal? Maybe I'm just full blown autist here, but I cannot play as the girl character simply on the merit that I'm a guy.

This is a serious question, I'm not trolling or saying that choosing the girl character is wrong. There are plenty of games where the protagonist is female by default. It just seems odd to me that you'd choose a character of the opposite sex when you're given the choice. Am I wrong? What drives you to select the opposite sex character when you have the option of playing as a character of your own gender?

Gender selection becomes more common beyond the /vr/ era, and more and more I see guys opting to choose the female character. I'm just genuinely confused, and I feel like I'll get the most respectful discourse on /vr/. So to stay on topic, let's stick with Pokemon Crystal for the example.
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No.2130324 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Gameboy advance thread. What are you favorite games for it?
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No.2128681 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Mods, you forgot to delete this thread: It's not /vr/
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Stupid/funny/unusal things you (or others) did/believed as a kid

No.2125109 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I think it's time for another one of those threads.

>named the rival in Pokemon G/S/C '???'
>generally believed a lot of Pokemon rumors, especially the "Mew under the truck" and "press down and B at the same time to increase the chance to catch a Pokemon with a Pokeball" rumor
>leaning in the direction I was driving in racing games

Stories about >that kid in this context are also welcome.

Sorry for the similar OP, I can't think of any other stuff at the moment
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Daggerfall memories.

No.2084520 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hi fellow /vr/ brethren

So, my life is pretty meaningless and I have no obligations or responsibilities at all. I've made the choice to withdraw myself from the real world and immerse myself fully in The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall.

I've always found that game cozy as fuck, and I love the idea that I can do whatever I want and travel wherever I wish in the game.

So my request is this: Share you fondest Daggerfall memories (or any other retro crpg) so I can carry them with me when I begin my journey in Tamriel.
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/vr/ CRT Thread

No.2080331 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous thread: >>2064923

These threads are for the civil discussion of CRT displays (TVs and monitors) as used for retro video games and systems allowed by the board rules in the current sticky (>>1392415 ). Subtopics *directly* related to this main topic are welcome.

A few tips so we don't get our thread deleted and have better discussions:
>Try to keep it /vr/-related: Nothing past 5th gen(+Dreamcast), vidya only. Slight OT might be okay if strictly related to CRTs (E.G. 16:9 compatible models, flatscreens, etc.)
>Try to be as detailed as possible when asking info on a specific model. As always, google is your friend.
>Have fun and enjoy glorious cathode displays

CRT Pastebin (WIP):

Decided to go with one without bloom.
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!!RruZVQu8DrN No.674394 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hello you wonderful anons of /vr/. Our first TWO romhack suggestion/discussion threads were such a success that I'm starting up a second one. On the last episode of Romhack Central, our heroes were:

This is basically a romhack general thread. The emphasis is on romhack suggestions and tutorials (i.e. where/how to acquire them). As suggested last thread, it's also a thread for romhack reviews! If you have played some good romhacks (or bad) we'd not only like you to suggest them and give pertinent sourcing info, but please tell us about the game. Was it good, was it bad, what did/didn't you like about it, graphics, ease of use, sound, etc etc etc.

All romhack suggestions, discussions, troubleshooting/help, reviews: all here please, kindly, and thank you. Please try and be civil: all experience levels of this subject matter are welcome, from the new anon who knows nothing about what romhacks are to the 10+year veteran romhack creators themselves. Please, I ask, be kind to one another and help each other. Thanks to everyone that has contributed t make the last two threads so great, and an advanced thanks to all the anons who will post here and continue this awesome thread! Sincerely, thank you!!
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Flashcart Sale!

No.2093649 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why would the mods delete the last thread? Commercial Spam? Really?

This is /vr/ where we all play old games and the majority of us either want or have flashcarts.

Who wouldn't want to know they're on sale?

I got a TurboED today for a couple bucks more than the wholesale price, I'm happy. I don't work for Krikzz or the store he sells his amazing work in.
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