>>11559409>you are genuinely retarded if you think they're the same thing let alone overlap.Considering how all these writers are just as awful as the senile hack and Jew Jew Abrams, there's definitely the same batch of weeds to pick out
>maybe you should actually watch more mainstream shit Not my problem, expand your tastes and stop being some hairy loser who think Japan came out of nowhere with Ghibli and Dragonball.
>sega has been trying to push away from similarities to dragonball as described hereIt seems like you misinterpreted my post, I'm saying Adventure is barely Dragon Ball. It's as much "shonen" as Astro Boy on tv or manga , which isn't much as it's clearly kodomo but with straightforward elements.
>nobody but SATAM/archiefags care about the comicsIt feels like you're behind some sort of blind rage and not even re-reading what i posted.
>everything wrong with sonic between SA2 & unleashed was all SoJ.There no "SoJ", just like how there's no Nintendo of Japan.
They made the right calls to cancel whatever garbage STI lackeys were producing. Anything afterwards has nothing to do or incomparable at most. Xtreme went through several reboots and got nothing done, Rise of Lyric went through one reboot and it was worse than some rushed do-over of 06 became to be.
>if you used usenet, you're a furryThis is what furfags believe. It's called having a brain cell. The fact you actually believe that goes to ahow how much of a delusional furfaggot and proved me right over how much of an underground furcel you're actually is.
>weeb!Japanese website, go back to SomethingAwful and go rape LowTax's corpse or something.