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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 47

No.1694085 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Did this game force you to reset your console? I really feel like it did or is my brain just playing tricks on me?
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Is there anything scarier than this...?

No.1631323 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This game was very difficult to me, so it was easy to watch this scene. I wonder if there's a game with scarier scenes than this...
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SNES game recommendations

No.1580116 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /vr/. Recently I was helping my mom sort through our storage shed a few days ago and I found my old super ninteno and games I had from when I was a kid. I ended up taking it home because mom wanted to throw it out and I was feeling nostalgic. So I've been playing my snes for the past few days and I've been enjoying it a lot. The only problem is I didn't have many games growing up so my collection is small.

What are some good games to buy for the SNES? I know the staple games like the first party games are good to buy like the mario, zelda, metroid and donkey kong games. But what are some other great games to play that I probably missed during my childhood?

Here's a list of games I have.
>Earth worm Jim 1&2
>Donkey Kong country
>Zombies ate my neighbors
>Street fighter 2
>Mortal kombat
>Super Mario world
>Super Mario cart

On a side note, is the snes everdrive worth the money? Any help would be appreciated.
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No.1690782 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I own one of these things and plenty of controllers. My question to you guys is what are some fun SNES games that support more than 2 players besides Bomberman and Secret of Mana?
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No.1705480 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sup /vr/tua fighters, is this a good controller for my PC? I've always been a bit iffy about after market shit like this but it seems everywhere I go this is always being recommended.
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No.1631971 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
anyone want to play some games of original unreal tournament today? just got it from and playing it again after all these years


No.1821804 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I feel placated /vr/
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No.1738416 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
sup /v/ I want to know that name of an old game I used to play.

It was a space fighting simulation. You had different types of spaceships, small agile fighter, bigger destroyers, Large carrier(?) type things.
There were different modes, one was to destroy the enemies. Another mode was to protect your giant mothership etc.

The game was turn based, and you just indicated the direction and speed of your ships and pressed a button. I dont remember much about the combat, but everything was turn based.

It was pretty old, 2d top down graphics.

pic related, what the game kinda looked like(very innacurate but you get the general idea)

No.1709531 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT games impossible to beat on a 100%
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No.1509694 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Well that sold out in half a microsecond...
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