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The tekken force mode in this is so fucking hard. Any tips on how I can beat it?
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>>1834676 Mortal Kombat Deception
it has
>Konquest mode (adventure RPG-lite style) >Chess Kombat >Puzzle Kombat Anonymous
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>>1834660 >for me. Mainly stage 4. >>> >Anonymous 08/04/14(Mon)15:40:23 No.1834660▶ > >>1834126 (OP) The truth in this post is overwhelming and powerful
>>1834126 just cheese Eddie Goro's Fruit Picker ultimate like every other scrub
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>>1837082 That won't work well against the enemies in the later levels because they block low and hit you from both sides. The Gon strategy is probably the easiest way to do it.
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AVGN general Let´s use this thread to talk about his reviews and expectations on episodes, there are a few games that could be reviewed, take for instance some of the shittier Nintendo 64 games.
I liked the Desert Bus episode. Although, not to get off topic, but I'm not really a big fan of Penn & Teller themselves. I LOVE them as performers and magicians -- they really have no equal. Their magic shows are amazing and very clever and enjoyable, but I get a little tired of their political side. I feel like he and Teller are deliberately disingenuous on "Bullshit!" and they have a callous way of snidely presenting half-truths as gospel. They also have a dangerous habit of using what I consider to be dirty tricks (e.g. using the most extreme and dubious nutcases to represent whatever idea/cause/movement they're criticizing, dirty editing tricks, blatant fallacy, lies of omission, etc.) I know that's their schtick -- to "push the envelope" and "challenge the viewer" etc. etc. but I find it tiresome sometimes. Even if I do occasionally find myself aligned with them ideologically.This is all just my opinion, though. anyway, WHO'S DOWN FOR A /vr/ MEET-UP? LET'S ALL GO SEE THE NERD MOVIE TOGETHER! :D
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>>1657123 >>1657134 I honestly think he should do more SNES games if he really is running out of NES games
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>>1657724 I want to come to a /vr/ meetup
Can I come too anon :o
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What are your favorite retro 'clones'? You know what I mean. Obviously, whenever something gets big there will be imitators. In the world of videogames, more often than other mediums, those clones are often pretty darn good though...sometimes even better than the original. Pic related. Yeah, Sparkster is obviously trying to ride on the popularity of Sonic...but at the same time, he's awesome. He's got tons of personality, he's endearing, his games are great. I actually like him more than Sonic.also chex quest
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If a modern, PC-based, toolchain development kit existed, with readily available media, for any retro system of your choosing (so you could develop and publish your own games without quite the gruelling uphill battle it is now) what system would you pick? For me, I think it'd have to be the SNES. It's as near as the pinnacle of 2D systems whilst still being sufficiently limited and "chunky" before 32-bit took much of the charm away. I think it's a system that lends itself perfectly to achieving great creative works with the right balance of limitation vs. potential.>3.58 MHz 65C816 CPU (descendant of the glorious 6502 chip). A little slow, but SuperFX fills in the gaps > 32 K colours. Just perfect > 128 K RAM. Tons for a cartridge-based system > 128 Sprites 64x64, 32 per scanline. The sweet spot of doing just about anything on screen
>>1636339 Is fixing Jaguar Doom possible? The reason it had no music was because the sound on Jaguar isn't handled separately from the main calculations: it's all done on the main processor. So cutting out the music was the only way to get a stable high framerate.
It's not like the 3DO version where they genuinely fucked up (as shown by a Japanese dev team doing a way better job and actually getting a good stable framerate). The Jaguar version was as good as it could have been.
Besides, good luck getting MAP16 of Doom 2 to work. Even the PS1 port crashes on that map on Ultra-Violence because there's 162 fucking enemies (at least: one of them is a Pain Elemental) and if you're playing it the smart way they'll probably all be infighting.
>>1637701 >(as shown by a Japanese dev team doing a way better job and actually getting a good stable framerate) Huh?
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I want to make stuff for the Genesis and all of it's ridiculous add-ons.
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>>1638174 Nevermind, I was wrong. I was thinking of how the Japanese Saturn port had a better framerate than the North American and European Saturn ports. It still wasn't as good as the PS1 port though.
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Does anyone still play this/played it recently? Did it age okay? Feel like going back to it, it was the only flight sim I ever played (the only one I ever needed).
Judge Reinhold
>>1803119 >>Posting about F-19 Stealth Fighter >>Not posting the goddamn awesome intro music Dude. No. FIXED.
Also, hope you still have the keyboard overlay and the inch thick manual/ability to recognise dozens of different late 80's planes from above otherwise you're gonna have a bad time.
If you do, you're gonna have a fun time! Loved this game when I was little. I can still identify most of the planes by sight.
>>1803163 I didn't even remember the music. The thing I remember most is the night missions and the fun bombing raids.
I lost the manual when my Amiga stuff got thrown out decades ago. I found a manual on the internet somewhere though. It's gonna be interesting to see how much I remember from muscle memory.
Judge Reinhold
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>>1803173 question mark toggles nearest enemy I think.
Other than that good luck. lol.
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Does anyone know what game this comes from? I thought it might be Policenauts or Snatcher, but it doesn't appear to be either of those. Big thanks!
Something on PC-98 I'd wager. Ask in their thread if it's still up. Also tell them I said PC-98 sucks, MSX rules.
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>>1745962 It's from policenauts it's a flashback
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>>1745989 >>1737052 Why don't you say that to our faces, anon?
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Anybody here learn Japanese for vidya? Got any tips for someone trying to learn? I'm not expecting any "learn it overnight" tips or anything but just where to get started and what not. Also to keep it /vr/ related. Japanese retro vidya general? What are some great games Americans have been deprived of?
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i tried to play Mother 3 before it was translated by fans by using OCR and google trans but it really didn't work well. haha. i had a friend who played Uncharted Waters Online on the Japanese servers and made it to max level in trade by learning the game through OCR and google trans. that guy is hardcore.
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>>1469389 Start here, read it all the way down, even if it says Advanced it still won't be enough for you to understand all everyday sentences correctly Keep going with this Various lookup guides for grammar and such, make sure to read at least some of them through Nice site to learn vocabulary, online flashcards so you can review them everywhere without installing useless programs Make sure to study the daily kanji list at least up until level 5 I'm not suggesting any specific Anki deck, but kanji consist of a phonetic and semantic part which helps a lot in guessing the on-yomi (pseudo-Chinese reading). This is probably also the reason Japanese prefer using jukugo over native vocabulary when writing so try it and learn the patterns, it'll make learning kanji easier KanjiDamage is crap for learning kanji, despite what /a/ says, but since you can use many kanji to represent the same native Japanese word, read this. It'll save you up time learning kun-yomi and clear a lot of things up. Congrats, you learned Japanese for free.
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>>1470056 >>1470090 >learn to speak, then learn to read. I think it largely depends on the language. The further removed it is from English the harder it's going to be to read at first. Obviously the ideal way is to read along with a spoken audio track, so you get the best of both. Japanese is going to be more of a challenge to read than to hear. Just from playing games over the years I've picked up a few words because the syllables are very easy to understand and distinguish when spoken, but I can't read more than handful of kanji.
But for learning romance languages I think it is easier to read it first, then move on to audio later. A lot of the words are spelled very similarly to English, but the pronunciations can make it harder to hear, among other things. But it just depends on the person. But I don't think there is any way you're going to be fluent in 2 months. That's not possible unless you're some kind of savant.
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Such is the fate of a dragon quest fan.
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Let's get on the topic on Favourite Fighters on the Retro Systems and Arcade. This is for all vidya warriors. The objective here is to talk about your favourites, what you like about them, what you think could be better and would you recommend it to anyone. Feel free to compare opinions and we'll start with you Anon unit # 7650.
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Food/drink from retro games thread. This is one of the items you could buy in Mystical Ninja: Starring Goemon on N64. Even though I knew nothing about Japanese food at the time, the food in that game always looked so appetizing to me.
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I always like the food they would eat during dinner in the Grandia 2 cut scenes, where you're in the inn before going to sleep.
The music was pretty god tier too. Anonymous
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>>1630723 >1.75 MB for a two frame GIF u wot
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Pokemon Stadium I always wanted to eat that sushi :P
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>>1630128 I once read a fanfic where Link had a "Cucco Sandwich" at a restaurant in Hyrule Market. It sounded so fucking good.
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I have the following for trade: Pokemon Yellow Metal Gear Solid (black label) Mario Kart Double Dash (2 copies) Looking to trade for any GB/C, N64, and PSX goodies.
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>>1610038 isn't the sega master system region free?
For Sale NTSC USA TurboGrafx-CD console - Two Turbo Pad controllers - Plastic carrying case - CD system card Games - Bonk's Adventure (card, case, manual) - Fighting Street (card, case, manual - Splatterhouse (card, case, manual) - Ys III (CD only) - Blazing Lazers (card only) - Keith Courage (card only)
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