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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 50

No.1834126 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The tekken force mode in this is so fucking hard. Any tips on how I can beat it?
10 posts omitted

No.1618308 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
AVGN general
Let´s use this thread to talk about his reviews and expectations on episodes, there are a few games that could be reviewed, take for instance some of the shittier Nintendo 64 games.
533 posts and 60 images omitted

No.1452920 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are your favorite retro 'clones'? You know what I mean. Obviously, whenever something gets big there will be imitators. In the world of videogames, more often than other mediums, those clones are often pretty darn good though...sometimes even better than the original.

Pic related. Yeah, Sparkster is obviously trying to ride on the popularity of Sonic...but at the same time, he's awesome. He's got tons of personality, he's endearing, his games are great. I actually like him more than Sonic.

also chex quest

No.1632642 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
If a modern, PC-based, toolchain development kit existed, with readily available media, for any retro system of your choosing (so you could develop and publish your own games without quite the gruelling uphill battle it is now) what system would you pick?

For me, I think it'd have to be the SNES. It's as near as the pinnacle of 2D systems whilst still being sufficiently limited and "chunky" before 32-bit took much of the charm away.

I think it's a system that lends itself perfectly to achieving great creative works with the right balance of limitation vs. potential.

>3.58 MHz 65C816 CPU (descendant of the glorious 6502 chip). A little slow, but SuperFX fills in the gaps
> 32 K colours. Just perfect
> 128 K RAM. Tons for a cartridge-based system
> 128 Sprites 64x64, 32 per scanline. The sweet spot of doing just about anything on screen
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F19 Stealth Fighter

No.1803119 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does anyone still play this/played it recently?

Did it age okay? Feel like going back to it, it was the only flight sim I ever played (the only one I ever needed).

No.1745962 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does anyone know what game this comes from? I thought it might be Policenauts or Snatcher, but it doesn't appear to be either of those. Big thanks!

No.1469389 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anybody here learn Japanese for vidya? Got any tips for someone trying to learn? I'm not expecting any "learn it overnight" tips or anything but just where to get started and what not. Also to keep it /vr/ related. Japanese retro vidya general? What are some great games Americans have been deprived of?
10 posts and 1 image omitted

Favorite Fighting Game?

No.1835981 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's get on the topic on Favourite Fighters on the Retro Systems and Arcade. This is for all vidya warriors. The objective here is to talk about your favourites, what you like about them, what you think could be better and would you recommend it to anyone. Feel free to compare opinions and we'll start with you Anon unit # 7650.

No.1630126 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Food/drink from retro games thread.

This is one of the items you could buy in Mystical Ninja: Starring Goemon on N64. Even though I knew nothing about Japanese food at the time, the food in that game always looked so appetizing to me.
20 posts and 9 images omitted

Buy/Sell/Trade Thread

No.1601190 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I have the following for trade:

Pokemon Yellow
Metal Gear Solid (black label)
Mario Kart Double Dash (2 copies)

Looking to trade for any GB/C, N64, and PSX goodies.
54 posts and 8 images omitted