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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 55
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>>1616605 It gets a lot worse. I didn't know you could break the wrecking ball of this boss, so I often had to mash buttons and hope I killed him before health ran out.
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I played the hell out of the Game Gear TaleSpin as a kid. The Genesis version is pretty much the same game, so I choose that one.
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Can we have strife general?
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>>1606167 Really? I thought that's the only way she could've looked like. At least back then.
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>>1606217 Have not tried. Will do so when I get home.
I think this game is confusing. I mean not just the layout of how all the levels interconnect, but the plot itself. I was doing pretty good until I got to a part with this crazy dude who flying around at mach-3 on his magic carpet hovercraft or whatever. Somehow I beat him and got this weird alien device. Or maybe I already had that and used it to beat him. Can't remember that anymore, it's been a while. Anyway, I just didn't get wtf he was doing in the game or what his deal was. So I kind of dropped the game at that point and started playing Duke3D (that one's a lot less confusing). Maybe I just missed something in the background story or some dialog.
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>>1608335 this is actually why I liked Strife. it's one of the first few FPS that managed to get in a full story behind its gameplay. I admit I didn't really understand it at first either, so it's probably done so to a fault.
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IN my opinion this is the best Final Fantasy game ever made. The reasons excluding nostalgia the characters, Espers, story is pretty cool, lots of characters (that you actually have to use, and the game is actually pretty challenging at later stages granted you aren't exploiting the bugs. Who else loves this game? If you don't, why?
Well since this thread is here I may as well ask. Will FF VI be difficult to play if I don't have a shitload of Kanji memorized? I just finished the Famicom version of FF I, it wasn't too hard. Sure I had to look several things up almost every time I spoke to someone but it wasn't too bad, I finished it in under a week. I think I'll try FF IV next (I'm hoping I can handle all of that text) and after that I'll move onto FF VI. Not topic related but what about Chrono Trigger? Does it use a lot of Kanji or a small-medium amount? The only reason I'm concerned is because it'll take a lot longer to look up words if I don't even know how to read them.
>>1607729 When someone (or a monster) has been asleep for a certain amount of time, the tapir will appear, and wake them up. It normally takes a little over 30 seconds, but Slow and Haste also affect it.
In Japanese lore, tapirs are said to eat dreams, which is why they cure Sleep.
>>1607683 >>1607718 >>1608384 Shit man, I had no idea these creatures existed and I've played this game multiple times. I've never seen them or Desperation Moves (though I've at least heard of Desperation Moves before).
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>>1608307 >>Will FF VI be difficult to play if I don't have a shitload of Kanji memorized? That depends on whether or not you've modded your famicom to play super nintendo games.
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>>1608396 >I've never seen them or Desperation Moves (though I've at least heard of Desperation Moves before). I saw a desperation move once.
I was fighting Atma Weapon and I only had Celes left, at low health at that. I thought I was totally boned, but then she jumped forward and swung her sword around wildly around, and lo and behold, it killed him.
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Was this the best RPG on the SNES /vr/ ??? No random battles Good Cast Decent Story Pokemon Solid puzzles/dungeons Good Soundtrack Sidequests/Supplemental content for days. God-Tier Ending. Why was or wasn't Lufia 2 the best RPG on the SNES?
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>>1598847 >Lufia 2 has the worst fucking magic system of any RPG I've ever played Wait until you play Paladin's Quest
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>>1598692 >but only faggots play as the guy You are projecting really hard
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>>1598064 >the stories do not matter in a video game Anonymous
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>>1595787 >I don't think there is a JRPG that has a good story
So with the ever growing despair in my heart, because the Ez Flash IV is growing so hard to find. Would this be a decent buy?
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I have a G6 lite that I use with my GBA and outside of the limited space, its pretty amazing. All the GBA games I've run work flawlessly and emulators and shit work well too. DS support is nice as well.
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I bought an ez flash IV off of ebay complete with the cards and shit for 75 bucks a couple days ago. If you want one then keep an eye out OP. They'll appear but they'll go fast.
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>>975132 Some games run slow as fuck or not at all. I'd reccomend continuing your search for an EZ Flash IV
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I was able to Buy EZ Flash IV from a US seller zercath on , As of 2014 Ebay does no longer allow the sale of EZ Flash IV carts or any Flashcarts, You could check that seller out and see if he still has any for sale,I received mine from this seller in a few days for a great price, good luck
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Anybody watching the xbox live stream of ET atari dig? I do not have an xbox.
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>>1580645 >Swordquest: Fireworld I jumped in my seat a little when I read that.
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>>1582948 I talk crap about it because after 15 seconds, you've seen/done all you can in the game.
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>>1582940 It was. And so was E.T.
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my dog! it really exist! those legends were true at last! EVERY FREAKING /VR/TROOPER AT DISPOSAL, SPAM THE CRAP OUT OF THIS /THREAD! THATS AN ORDER! THIS IS A MOTHER EFFIN HISTORY RIGHT THERE! also this bread should be sticky end on front paeg
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>>1581257 Thank you Microsoft! But our E.T. vault is in another landfill!
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This thread is for music made with Yamaha's wonderful FM soundchips. Preferably not Genesis music because we already know it kicks ass. No need to repost the same old SoR2/Thunder Force 4/Gunstar Heroes/etc. links again. Let's hear something more obscure.
FM synth drew a line between Genesis and SNES music styles, clearly guiding the musical direction of Genesis soundtracks. In the bigger picture, I wonder how much of an impact that had on determining whether people were primarily Sega or Nintendo fans. Maybe that distinction still holds to this day...
>>1483337 Are you leaving Arcade and OPL3 PC music out of the picture?, that's FM too
>>1483337 Sample based music lets tasteless people pretend to be sophisticated. You can do "epic" orchestral music that sounds impressive if you've never listened to a Beethoven concerto all the way through. It appeals to the kind of person who plays shit indie games because it's "art".
Note that the two most overrated arcade games (Radiant Silvergun, Ikaruga) use this style of music. I don't think that's a coincidence.
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>>1483346 Yeah, intentionally. I am comparing two specific systems based solely on this.
>>1483362 Whoa there! Loaded post. I'm not sure I agree with anything you posted but ok man, you do your thing.
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What are good old PC RPGs for me to play? I've only just recently gotten into PC gaming and I want to start playing classic PC RPGs Baldur's Gate is first on the list.
>>1573815 >not all the exiles and all the avernums All of vogel's games are great.
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>>1580063 How much point is there in playing the same story three times? Try out which system you like the most and play that one.
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>>1580015 >you must have a mental disorder not to appreciate shit combat systems Anonymous
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>>1575593 The game itself is not perfect but the battle system is the most faithful and accurate rendition of DnD battle. I would play a ton of games with that system. I'm also pretty sure ToEE is not /vr/.
>>1578131 Are you being serious? If you are, you can assign conditions in options for when you want the game pause for you, making it closer to full turn-based system.
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>>1580063 I never liked the Avernum remakes. They just take what's fun about Exile and make it mostly tedious with that obnoxious isometric perspective navigation and the dumber spell system that doesn't even have a repeat cast shortcut.
Would fully recommend all three Exile games though; the first two are just a bit harder to get into it.
I know Yoshi's Island is quite popular here on /vr/, but I just can't get into this game. I originally played it back in 1995, and even though I played all the way through it, I've never thought it was a great game. The level design lacks creativity and often seems bland and random. Most levels go on for too long. The levels in Super Mario World were well-designed and just the right length, but the stages in Yoshi's Island annoy me. The graphics, while very creative with its crayon style, either look great or make you nauseous after looking at them for so long. I happen to be the latter. The music is pretty great, though. I'll give the game that. Yoshi's Island is notorious for its boss battles, and while they are cute, once again, I feel they lack balanced design. (There's a few boss battles I thought were clever, but they're not enough to redeem the game for me.) The puzzles in the game can also be tedious and annoying. Overall, I think it's a fairly decent game, but just doesn't live up to Super Mario World or many of the other classic games on the Super NES. Your thoughts?
>>1568640 >There was tons of alternate routes to take in Super Mario World. And they lasted longer than 60 seconds. Only if you didn't have a cape, or a blue Yoshi. Or they were underwater/forced scrolling levels.
Basically same as in Yoshis Island.
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>>1568850 >Yoshis Island *Yoshi's Island
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Raphael the Raven's Castle - This stage alone makes made me fell in love with the game. I think it really showcases the creativity of the level design. You're navigating what is essentially an upside-down floating castle. The nighttime setting paired with the all the triangular, gaping walls creates a really interesting atmosphere.
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>>1566518 >I know Yoshi's Island is quite popular here on /vr/, It's not.
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Yoshi's Island and Banjo-Kazooie are two games I just can't get into. But because of all the praise they get I figure I just must be looking at them from the wrong angle and so I've given them both a couple extra tries.
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This game was so ahead of the time. It had a lot of great details that blew my mind as a kid, and as far as I know there wasn't any other game like this back then. For example, you can shoot a gun out of the enemy's hands, and if you grab it he'll raise his hands or bring out a pistol and try to shoot you again. If you shoot them in the legs they'll walk slower while holding the damaged leg. And I like how enemies have actual death animations, while PC games back then had glitchy shitty ragdoll and instant deaths, I liked to watch the enemies suffer and die slowly. There are also a ton of great gadgets long before any other game had them (see Splinter Cell or Metroid Prime), such as the flying cameras and various visors to see in the dark or through walls. And then there's all the cool weapons and crazy level variety, and a cheesy but enjoyable story. Such a great game, if they made this for PC people would still play it today as it would be one of the best shooters ever made, but they were held back by the shitty N64.
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>>1565132 Whatever, man. I don't know why you're being like this instead of being helpful.
If my computer explodes at some point in the future I will use my laptop to post in this thread and warn people though.
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>>1565128 Read the sticky, friend.
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>>1565128 >Released on console that came before 2000 Please consider killing yourself ASAP
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>Dem laptop guns >dat soundtrack >dem secondary fire options Gonna play a couple matches of this /vr/
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>>1561848 Just in case anyone plans to download this, know that I ended up with a bunch of viruses. Whether it was from this exact link I couldn't tell you with complete finality, but I've wittled it down and this is the most likely culprit.
Just be wary.