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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 59

What are the best modern collections of retro games?

No.1315325 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Like pic related, Super Mario all Stars, or the Gamecube Zelda Collector edition?
72 posts and 25 images omitted

Sega Genesis AKA Mega Drive vs Super Nintendo Entertaiment System

No.1302667 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>tfw there are people on /vr/ that think the Genesis is shit

Shouldnt that be an perma ban?

I mean the Genesis did what Nintendidn't.
17 posts omitted

Emulator cheating?

No.1301319 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How does vr feel about save states and to a lesser extent turbo mode in emulators? Do you consider them ruining the game and not truly playing it or are they okay? I just beat earthbound by basically save scumming the whole thing. I feel bad, but at the same time i feel like redoing 10 minutes of gameplay every time i got unlucky with the enemy status conditions or moves isnt fun. The awful safe system coupled with this crazy artificial gameplay time extension just isnt fun. Am i a pussy bitch vr? Or is it okay to do this
164 posts and 6 images omitted

No.1288298 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Retro internet thread. Stories, homepages and old shame.
552 posts and 166 images omitted

Super Mario dice mosaic

No.1289180 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
mario dice mosaic. found at a big auction plattform in germany.


No.831170 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Did you ever pirate (or flat out steal) in the 90s?
283 posts and 37 images omitted


!!vPRlrndO9G8 No.885654 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Well my trip leaked. I liked helping you guys out. It was fun and I am glad I made some friends along. This is my way of signing out. My official final post. To make things clear on whether or not I was a troll; well, I wasn't. I was you. It was nice knowing me.

3 posts and 1 image omitted

No.1268014 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What happened with the GAME CENTER CX general?

I'm looking for it since yesterday and there's no clue of it.

649 posts and 125 images omitted

No.1280616 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
get rid of the plebian janitor infecting this board trying to turn it into r/retrogaming. this place is fine at policing itself a janitor should only be there to get rid of shit that isn't retro instead of forcing their fucking faget personal beliefs from the reddit manifesto.

No.1280445 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i made and oc thread and it got deleete what the h*ck?????