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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 65

No.833124 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So /vr/. I've recently downloaded a psx emulator and a few roms. So far I've been playing Spyro, Crash Team Racing, Final Fantasy VII and PacMan World. I also have downloaded Vagrant story.

So /vr/, tell me about all the psx gems. It seems to me that the first playstation was a god tier game system and comparable to Snes in quality and sheer number of games available.
41 posts and 2 images omitted


No.123631 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone know how to turn off the shitty mouse acceleration in the Duke Nukem Megaton Edition?

No.689132 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does anyone have the EMS 64m cart? I'm in the market for a GB/C flash cart, and was wondering if this would run games like Shantae

>inb4 goomba colour


No.888416 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
If you live in South florida, check this out. Arcade Odyssey is trying to expand and become an absolute gamer's heaven. Just trying to spread the word!
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No.877593 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Was talking with a friend the other day, we were chitchatting about old school RPG when he came up with Phantasy Star, seemed surprised when I told him I had never played a Phantasy Star of my life and called me a casual scum, how do I prevent this? Which Phantasy Star should I play first?

As for the rest, Phantasy Star threads
47 posts and 5 images omitted

The search for Chu-Teng 2 - Eletric Boogaloo

!.rRPa.wiG6 No.847213 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
New Chu-Teng thread
771 posts and 111 images omitted

No.863765 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Deep Fear stream @

Pretty much a RE ripoff played by an RE fan.
3 posts and 3 images omitted

LSD/Eastern Mind/Chu-Teng general: OP Delivers Edition

No.644345 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
LSD/Eastern Mind/Chu-Teng general

I don't know how many people saw my post, but back around April 7th I posted on a Chu-Teng thread saying I had ordered Osamu Sato's "Equal" album from a seller on Discogs, which is essentially Chu-Teng's OST. Someone else also said they had ordered a copy, but I don't think they've uploaded a rip yet.

I thought the album was pretty much going to be experimental earrapecore, but it was actually pretty enjoyable. Some of my favorite tracks on this album are "Equal", "A Spaceman Made of Stars" and "Didi-Shou-Chang".


For those wondering, LSD for the PS1 and Eastern Mind for the PC are both readily available online to whoever wishes to take a stab at them. However, Mister Sato himself has said that he doesn't even know how to obtain any copies of Chu-Teng.

Anyone have any stories from any of these games? I have yet to try Eastern Mind, but I've made it to day 238 on LSD. Here's something interesting:
>Days ca. 180-238
>days end within a minute if you don't activate any links
>main menu
>hit enter (mapped to select things)
>day begins
>hit enter
>day begins
>hit enter
>day begins
I'm using savestates, so as far as the game knows I've never saved. It thinks I've made it to day 238 in one sitting. Whenever I try to select anything on the main menu, it just starts up another day. I can't actually save even if I wanted to. It's like the game is trying to force me to play, not letting me save to resume my session later.
6 posts and 2 images omitted

No.846543 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sadly, Americlaps will never know the epicness...
32 posts and 1 image omitted

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## Mod No.801824 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games. Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier. Sixth generation and later consoles are not considered retro (including the Dreamcast).