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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 68
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>>608352 >Ten dollar dragon dildo You haven't really looked into the prices for quality dragon dildos, have you?
>>608334 Someone please bid 501
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>>608376 no dildo no deal sorry
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Retro bootleg games thread
Impse !!9/alULWmsW5
>>175623 >>175741 Done, I found the list here >Castlevania, Gunsmoke, Double Dribble, Contra, Alpha Mission, Bump 'n Jump, Bookyman, Soccer >Mach Rider, Balloon Fight, Galaga, Excitebike, Pinball, Circus Charlie, Macross, Baseball >Pacman, Lode Runner, Kung Fu, Road Fighter, Exerion, B-Wing, Twinbee, 1942 >Bomberman, Star Force, Dig Dug, Galaxian, Ice Climber, Battle City, Elevator Action, Spartan X >Frontline, Xevious, Arkanoid, Gyrodine, Magmax, Chack'n Pop, Mappy, Clu Clu Land >Urban Champion, Pooyan, Formation Z, Zippy Race, Antarctic Adventure, Karateka, Combat, Milk & Nuts >Warpman, Duck Hunt, Hogan's Alley, Wild Gunman, Tennis, Sky Destroyer, Golf, Star Soldier >Hyper Olympics, Lunar Ball, Bird Week, Devil World, Arabian, Ninja I looked for a ROM dump FUCKING EVERYWHERE, but to no avail. I guess it doesn't help at all that it's a multicart and people aren't interested in dumping them, even if they contain hidden gems and/or romhacks that are unobtainable in a standalone way. Sometimes I don't understand bootleg dumpers.
This cart seems to be VERY popular among BRs, take a look at this video Also, we're reaching bump limit, guys
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>>176193 >I looked for a ROM dump FUCKING EVERYWHERE, but to no avail. I guess it doesn't help at all that it's a multicart and people aren't interested in dumping them, even if they contain hidden gems and/or romhacks that are unobtainable in a standalone way. Sometimes I don't understand bootleg dumpers. They rarely have anything interesting(at last ones I have), they often just remove titlescreen and copyright info, and sometimes duplicate ones just starts at random level, or have random weapon, but you can do those with game genie.
Only interesting one was smb1 hack with smb2(jap) graphics, but Im sure someone has done that already, if not, its not that hard todo.
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>>169676 Finnfag here, we don't generally play older gen games but I gave my old N64, Gameboy and MegaDrive(that's Genesis in murrika)to my poorfag neighbor's kid.
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>>90127 >>90075 >>88769 If anybody is still interested, the game is called "Strategist".
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I bought a jp region game for my eu(?) dreamcast any idea if I can play it somehow? I'm completeless clueless about how to do this.. and hard mode: I only have mac and linux computers. I've tried to burn boot discs a few times over the years, its never worked (but im sure if I had a windows machine it would work no problem) so what should I do?
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>its never worked (but im sure if I had a windows machine it would work no problem) No.
>>605218 >would love instructions for mac that actually work Download an image, and burn it to the disc. You can only write data to optical media one way - operating system has nothing to do with this.
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>>605236 Only specific software is capable of burning Dreamcast images in Windows. I imagine it's the same way in OSX.
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Someday I would like to see some post explaining why the Dreamcast isn't allowed in /vr/
The VR Hunter !!BxftZmnWpRH
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>What is Videogame Deal Hunting? It is the process in which an avid collector goes through to build up their collection without spending much money.>I.E. Going to Flea Markets, Thrift Stores, Second Hand shops, Retro Game Stores, Estate Sales, Auctions, Garage sales, and Craiglist. Note: If you bought it from an Auction site like eBay then make sure it was a good deal. Buying online is pussy shit otherwise! What belongs in this thread?>Past stories of great finds. (This can be yours, or someone else’s. Even folklore.) >Places that you go in order to find these deals. >Discussion of hot and cold locations. (Who has good deals, who doesn’t.) >Pictures of items you have found personally, or items that have been posted before. (Try and make sure it is a legitimate find.) >Questioning whether you got a good deal on certain items. >General Discussion of the hobby that is collecting videogames. (Why do you do it? Prized piece? Etc.) What doesn’t belong in this thread?>Posting items you intend to sell on here, or another site. >People who are not collectors, but re-sellers. (If you are both that is fine, but re-sellers tend to piss off collectors.) >Anything that isn’t directly related to videogames, or great deals on them. >Making up stories about insane deals. >Anything bought from GAEMSTOP or EB GAEMS. (This is NOT deal hunting.) REMEMBER: You don’t have to have found a 100 dollar game for 5 dollars to contribute. A find like that is uncommon. Feel free to post the Gameboy color that you found for 8 bucks, or a NM Game Cart that really ties your collection together. Videogame Deal Hunting isn’t based on the value as much as it is based on the thrill of finding the item.
How much would you pay for a CiB Zelda 1? With only half the map because it got ripped and a few flaps ripped off the box?
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>>299081 >rip rip rip rip Nothing.
Going to a car boot in a few hours time I really hope I find some great deals.
KyaDash !kDashing02
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>>300853 >going to a car boot sale on Easter Anonymous
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>>296441 Today I started digging through my old SNES collection and found back my all time favorite game (Harvest Moon for SNES). Brought back those wonderful memories. After looking up some info on the web I could also only find info about the Australian, German, French and English versions (as found on ).
I still have the original very good looking box with a French and Dutch description (so this could be the French/Benelux version), but the cartridge has the code SNSP-AYWP-EUR.
Anyone with any info on this, please clear things up for us.
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>no fun allowed Apparently the mods think the glass if half empty. New Dreamcast thread
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Let's have a Dreamcast thread. Discuss your favorite games, peripherals, and finds.
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>>600795 Yeah because its retro. We can talk about N64 games made after 2001.
ironically, dreamcast was during the N64's lifetime. 2 years after its launched, and it died 2 years before the 64 did.
>>600794 >doa2 you mean powerstone right? heh, right?
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>>600809 They're not rare, just expensive. IIRC, they don't make them in murrica so they've got to be imported and that gets expensive quick.
No idea what the overburn threshold is. Certainly not anything 800mb or over.
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Dreamcasters fuck off /vr/.
This board is or retro games and consoles.
The dreamcast, as a sixth gen console isn't retro.
>>>/v/ >>>/vg/ Anonymous
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Games you hated that everyone else liked. Go.>Classic Mega Man Games If it ain't X, it ain't shit.
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>>591387 Well only the newer ones are supposed to be crazy-fast. The first and third in particular aren't really that fast, and aren't really meant to be either.
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>>591636 Ouch. All of them?
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>>591484 Check your detecting device faggot, it's not working.
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>>591387 I have the same thoughts, even though I dont hate the games, pretty much after the first 2 levels it just turns into another, albeit pretty well designed, standard platformer
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Do you think they said "April Ryan" enough times?
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>>580643 Any world-building and tone-setting worth a damn will survive judicious application of the editor's pen.
>>580502 The third game is in heavy production at the moment, I can give you details from all the update emails I'm getting if you want.
>>582506 Last time I checked the updates they were showing off that dreary cyberpunk city.
I just don't have a lot of faith in the game when they've been off of this series for years, its predecessor was awkward at best and they're working off of ks funds. If it turns out to be a fantastic ending to Dreamfalls setup, I'll love it and buy it day one. The Longest Journey is one of my favorite games and a proper conclusion to April's arc would be wonderful.
But right now it's not a promising scenario, and I'm also a bit disappointed that The Journey Home is probably never going to be made.
>>582576 >I just don't have a lot of faith in the game when they've been off of this series for years, its predecessor was awkward at best They're totally aware that Dreamfall sucked, they're going for a middle ground between the first two games. They're taking out all the stupid combat and stealth stuff from Dreamfall and making it more puzzle-oriented like the original, while keeping it modernised enough to not scare off everyone except diehard fans. Although they probably wouldn't need to with the hugely positive reception it's getting.
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>>582593 I figured that they'd remove the combat stuff, since that seemed like it was forced into the game and not originally planned.
Im just worried about the length and controls at the moment. Dreamfall had a lot of issues with both and that was before they were working on a limited fan-funded budget.
I'm also admittedly not the biggest fan of Zoe's character, so I'm not sure if I'm happy with her being the focal point again.
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>>549240 I didn't sage deliberately.
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>>549246 That's pretty ironic, bro.
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>>549242 NO U
>tfw i have all my vidya pics on another computer and ran out Anonymous
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I'm satisfied I got to reply but I'm still disappointed. >entire thread is rage instead of discussing retro videogames Stay mad, /vr/.
>make thread about online game from the early 2000's on /vr/ >rage sage "Not /vr/." >mod deletes thread before i can reply
If it's the thread I'm thinking of, wasn't it about achievements? What online games back then had achievements?
>>548696 >online game from the early 2000's >Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other games on platforms launched in 1999 or earlier. Anonymous
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>>548763 The reality.
1367009412947.jpg 2 Untitled.png
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>>548778 That's the point. Old online games are "modernized" to have "achievements".
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>>548787 Says you. People "nostalgia" over youtube videos and the like from 2005 and even later.