Donations to the archive would be appreciated to help fund our server hardware & storage drives. We are looking for developers to help build new software and archives, discuss here.
Additional planned maintenance will occur with downtime the entire day of 3/15.
why are dogs allowed? all dogs should be murdered and wiped off the earth
>all dogs are shit >dogs are the loudest fucking thing possible >all they do is create constant senseless noise and are stupid brain dead creatures >they shit all over everything and attack more superior animals >in suburban/neighborhood settings dogs are literally the only source of loud noise >this can happen at any time 3 am, 8 am, noon, 10 pm >there is nothing illegal about retard dog owners pissing everyone off all day >literally all it takes is a dog being anywhere remotely close to your home and its ruined forever >no more quiet peaceful nights, no more sleeping on a hammock, no more leaving your windows open, no more sitting on the porch >you have annoying fucking dogs louder than car horns making constant noise staring at the sky making the same noise for hours on end >every fucking moron that gets dogs around me just ties them up outside near me and i just hear them barking all hours of the day for hours straight
i fucking hate dogs i wish they were fucking outlawed and murdered.
>>I found the key difference between NeoFi and portfolio management services is that NeoFi is a custodial service while current basket based products are non-custodial. The non-custodial nature of the current portfolio management services makes them dependent on an underlying exchange. >>Follow us:
all welcome. throw shade on cats. they are gross , a mutant looking freak of nature and smell like shit and piss. as i see it cats are monumentally repulsive
>groups consist of a mating pair and their offspring >the mating pair is monogamous and stay together for life >offspring are submissive to their parents, but it's still a cooperative relationship >offspring disperse once reaching sexual maturity >wolf mothers are stay-at-home moms who take care of the pups while the wolf father is hunting Why is human social behavior so much more similar to wolves than to other primates, including chimps?