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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 3

/aqg/ Aquarium General

No.4666538 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Niggerfish edition.
Previous Thread >>4665032 #

Discuss anything aquarium related here, including tanks, inhabitants, decor, and issues. Before asking questions in this thread, make sure you give us at least some details when asking a question, such as:

>Tank size (include dimensions, not just volume)
>Unusual Parameters (nitrate, pH, GH, KH)
>Any inhabitants + how long you've had them
>Age of the tank
>Pictures are always helpful

Tank Cycling:

Stocking and Water Change Calculator:

Articles and Care Guides:

Aquatic Plant Database:

>brs 5 minute guides
> [Open]
26 posts and 6 images omitted

/dog/ - Dog General

No.4664024 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Into The Mist edition

All breeds are welcome

Old: >>4653282
339 posts and 129 images omitted

Elasmotherium has no honr

No.4032957 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
21 posts and 5 images omitted

No.4659030 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>go to the pet store
>buy a hamster
>I gotta name him after the last thing I ate
>I name him "Hamster"
>tomorrow comes around
>go to the pet store
>buy a hamster
>I gotta name her after the last thing I ate
>I name her "Hamster"
>tomorrow comes around
>go to the pet store
>buy a hamster
>I gotta name him after the last thing I ate
>I name him "Hamster"
>tomorrow comes around

No.4653949 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are some Nazi animals

No.4659013 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>go to the pet store
>buy a hamster
>I gotta name him after the last thing I ate
>I name him "Hamster"
Thinking of going back to the store to buy another one tomorrow.

No.4645954 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Horse General

Horsorcery Edition

Thread that fell apart like soft bread >>4645866
341 posts and 162 images omitted

No.4649021 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Its ok bro a pitbull didnt maul you because that wasn't a real pitbull. It was actually a canis demonis, a breed created by crossing bulldogs, terriers, and american pitbull terriers recognized by the lesser southwestern kennel club of utah (membership: 5). despite most americans using pitbull to refer to a group of closely related landrace breeds, I, a serbian, a citizen of the lowest IQ nation in europe, have personally redefined pitbulls to only include american pitbull terriers that have been involved in dogfighting, and those were all under 60 pounds. It was just mixed breed. i guess you should just watch out for dogs in general!
>Besides did you know that in 2015 a malinois BIT someone? Owner or the breed?

Budgie Thread

No.4602206 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
332 posts and 131 images omitted

No.4618669 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i hate dogs so fucking much. i’ve had a boomer neighbor that always has a fucking large dog barking in a fence. as soon as their dog dies they get another dog and leave it out there to bark. they’ve been doing this for 10 years now and they are the source of every bit of noise in the neighborhood.

thankfully one of them died and the other piece of shit is on the way out. i can’t wait to visit their graves and piss all over them.
32 posts and 3 images omitted