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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 3

Kill Chinks

No.4776870 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /an/. /k/ here.
I hate to start the thread with a graphic and unwholesome picture, but i think its necessary to bring attention to this.

Homo Insectus (Chinkoid subhumans) apparently like to torture cats (and other animals) and sell the videos to fetishists.
This poor kitty was electrocuted and burned alive.
I saw another one that was a pregnant momma kitty who had boiling water poured on her until all 4 of her kittens died, with her dying the day after. And apparently nobody in the Chink govt cares. They have no laws against it.

So my question is, what can we do about this? Are there any groups we can donate to? Personally, id like to start my own charity/GoFundMe, where i buy a boat and outfit 100 men with guns to go slaughter as many Chinks as possible, but unfortunately i dont know that id be able to get passed their navy.
What do we do /an/? I love kitties and hate the Chinese with every fiber of my being. I wish for the torture, starvation, mutilation, and death of all Chinks. Yes, all of them.
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/dog/ - Dog General

No.4775013 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The Dog Daddy
Joel Beckman
Cesar Milan
AVOID: "positive-only" snake-oil salespeople, anyone who critiques other trainers without video proof of them working with difficult dogs (examples: Emily Larlham, Zak George)

Raw protein (80%)
Organs (10%)
Raw bones (10%)
Vegetables (optional)
Supplements (optional)
AVOID: "nutrition" advice sponsored by dog "food" companies

Regular use: regular dog collar, chain collar, martingale collar
Training: prong collar, gentle leader
AVOID: e-collars, dog harnesses

Previous thread: >>4772927
321 posts and 75 images omitted

No.4769079 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why are Toadlines the best overall dog breed?
51 posts and 12 images omitted

Toadline thread

No.4759533 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Dough Boy
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No.4735464 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I hate this faggot so much. He's the absolute worse of an Atheist science extremist.
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the animal known as the red heifer

No.4757247 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
does it deserve to be sacrificed? what do you think of animal sacrifice in general?
61 posts and 4 images omitted

What is this CDS they gave their dog?

No.4756259 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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No.4755248 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How often do Bears kill the humans that raise them?
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No.4746532 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Frog is the most superior and godly of lifeforms. So I am going to start an animal cult (no we won't be fucking them, you sicko frogfags), it will be the worship of The Great Frog In The Sky. It advocates peace, good will, and good eats for all. Plus bugs. Lots and lots of bugs. If you pray to him, good things will come your way.
If you become his enemy, he will haunt your dreams and go in your downstairs shitter and make ribbert noises until you go mad.

No.4722189 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Fuck jannies. I'm posting it again.

>Um axchually sweaty, there's no such thing as a herbivore. All herbivores are actually bloodthirsty killers. Someone obviously hasn't seen the video of the horse eating the chicks despite me posting it 700,000 times. [Embed]

Nature isn't an edgefag. That's a human (demon-possessed) obsession.

Don't care. Go jerk off somewhere where the LAPD will swat and kill you instead.

Eat shit, jannies. Stop letting animal rapists and hunter lobbyists post here. You're getting fucking annoying. Jannies have been warned for deleting this thread.
12 posts and 3 images omitted