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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 111
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>>14495692 The truth is, that we don't see shit from your face, so we just see an ass looking hair and a long ass forehead. Your fault...
>>14495692 >the way I style my hair wow were you even trying?
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>>14495692 you actually needed to prove to anon that you arent bald. thats pretty beta
also hiding your face means that you are hiding something.
stop trying to impress anon. its stupid
>>14495741 lold
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GO sarah poremba, YOU GO GIRL!!!!
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>>14494189 kiero borrar mi cuenta del gaplog
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Which mother fucker would you kick the shit out of first?
>>25233372 It was some random faggot (and still is) who is too stupid to get a trip but people pose as the cunt
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>>25233372 Yeah but the guy doing is using that shit name on a regular basis. Nobody is as autistic to make hundreds of different posts under that name.
>>25233372 >>25233387 It's pretty easy to discern the shitposters from the actual guy.
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>>25233402 No doubt about that
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>>25233159 im gonna need a side profile pic
i look strangely similiar
is this a good routine for a beginner?
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>>25041134 of course it's fucking good faggot, it's icf
inb4 delicate manlets complaining icf has too much volume for a beginner
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No hamstings? Also too much volume. You're gonna burn yourself out fairly quickly.
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>>25041134 Yes, the ICF Beginner routine is good for a beginner.
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>>25041558 what's the point of doing an exercise if you aren't going to progressively overload? You won't develop a stronger lower back by doing hyperextensions without any weight which is kind of the point of doing hyperextensions.
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>>25042441 >Doing more than 3 reps enjoy your nostrength
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Get in here. This faggot who used to bully me throughout high school because I was fat. He was the typical jock. Met him again the other day, he is now some nerdy/dudebro hybrid looking kid, but I am now ripped. He says he's surprised I lost the weight and put on muscle. He acted really friendly and sounded like he wanted to hang out with me so... What's the best way for me to humiliate him? I'm brainstorming up some ideas but I'll need some assistance from you guys. Either that or I just beat him up a little and go my own way. My revenge is close.
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Typical fit shit posting lol>making this bread or ops life more pathetic
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This thread made me forgive my own bullies, because seeing someone actually write all this out made me realize how sad it is to hold on to all that shit 15 years later. How incredibly liberating.
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>having above a 6/10 gf >under 6'0" pick one. Rich manlets are exempt from this condition
>>16446867 >She looks annoying as fuck >She looks annoying >She looks >looks Anonymous
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5'9" doesn't matter how big you are, as long as you can throw her around in the sack. i dated a big girl (5'5", about 130 pounds) for a while, at least a 7.5/10 probably an 8. she was addicted to me because I fucked her brains out like a goddamn man and took advantage of the extra testosterone i got from lifting/sports
>>16447108 Different guy, but I know exactly what he's talking about. And she does look annoying.
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>>16447222 Guy that posted the picture here. It was our 3 year anniversary picture. She dressed up and we went out together. She's not annoying shes actually pretty cool. + She's a gamer.
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where is that pic from?
I made a thread earlier but it 404 cause I wasn't around I'm trying to start my first cut and I need alittle advice have read a lot but I feel like i need alittle more advice. I'm. 6 foot tall weighting 236 lbs about 18-20% bf My maxes are Bench 400 (just hit it today) Squat 565 Deadlift 585 I'm worried about these going down while cutting is that bound to happen or can I keep these up I'm already keeping mylifting routine the same high intensity low reps long breaks but I'm adding in more cardio ( personal choice is swimming laps) For my diet do I want my caleries to be even or at a deficiete? I use lose it to estimate my caleries but how do i find my metabolic rate? Also is dropping to 220 in 5 weeks reasonable? Sorry for all the questions and here is a pic of me (someone asked last thread for bf%)
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>>25172207 1kg is 2.2 so perfect I'll keep my strength routine the same how do i find metabolic rate? I feel like at 240 being decently stong is gonna be a lot different from a 240lbs fatass
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Anything other tips guys Like i said any small tips would help >low cal snacks >meto heart rate >any supplements that are worth it ( thermogenics?) >anything that can help
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Here is a dl pic still looking for help ty guys
>>25171759 it's going to happen OP. unless you're on steroids your lifts are going to go down as your drop weight. i know it sucks but that's life. you can try and lose weight as slowly as possible to maintain that strength though.
on a sidenote i'm miring those lifts, how long have you been lifting and how old are you?
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>>25176418 20 years old been lifting sense 15
So I saw Jeff tonight at a rave in seattle. I was surprised to see that actually a bunch of people knew who he was. But looking at my picture with him made me realize something. I may have started at 110 lbs five months ago and finally reached 140. But I have a looooong way to go before I can look anywhere near as big as he does. I'll just keep giving it what I got /fit/. And if it weren't for you I wouldnt have made even this baby step. Had a pretty good convo with him though
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>>25129601 top kek
that fat motherfucker doesn't even look good. that shit is borderline autistic
but most of what he says regarding powerlifting and the fitness community is spot on, including that joff is a drug abusing faggot and is clearly on gear
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>>25129229 lol bro, i was also invited to that same rave in Seattle. I dont even live in the US
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>>25129441 Dude, he's not natty.
Anybody have that picture of him saying about his progress on roids?
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>>25129608 Jeff is a sad cunt who needs to stop trying so hard to be Zyzz v2.0 and at least admit that he was inspired by Zyzz rather than saying "nah brah im all original" whilst copy everything Zyzz did.
On the other hand Blaha is an autistic fat cunt who is so fat he gets out of breath making his shitty videos hating on Jeff because Jeff is young and ripped and having a great time. Jeff is probably scoring mad pussy whilst Blaha moved country to live with some woman he met online.
Jeff > Blaha
(but jeff still needs to go)
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Fuck you faggot mod I'm done with this shithole.
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What is the best whey?
đani naksvil
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>>25096042 you know the answer already
>>25096042 What is the best way to weigh the best whey?
>>25096056 There's no way to weigh the best whey.
>>25096064 But how much will I weigh if I eat the best whey?
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>>25096079 There's no way to know how much you will weigh if you weigh the best whey.
Would /fit/ kindly tell me what my routine is missing? Workout A: Squats, Overhead Press, Tricep Extensions, Weighted Dips Workout B: Deadlifts, Bench, Cable Rows, Chinups, Curls AxBxAxx and I switch it to BxAxBxx every other week. Also, general routine critique thread.
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Workout A Exercise Sets Reps Front Squats 3 5 Romanian Deadlift 3 5 Bench Press 3 5 Bent Over Row 3 5 DB Shrugs 3 8 Tricep Extensions 3 8 EZ Bar Curls 3 8 Cable Crunches 3 10 Workout B Exercise Sets Reps Front Squats 3 5 Deadlift 1 5 Standing Press 3 5 Bent Over Row 3 5 Close Grip Bench Press 3 8 EZ Bar Curls 3 8 Reverse Flies 3 10 Cable Crunches 3 10 It's basically ICF with GSLP's rep scheme (last set to failure for main lifts)
Ned.E. !AXAfXDn6zM
>>25094807 Workout A is too much triceps and has no back work. Whereas B has two back exercises.
So A should look more like this
>squat >row (strict, no machine bs, C'MON) >bench >weighted dips B
>DL >weighted chins >OHP >curls But you might aswell just do SS. Why even bother with an "own" routine
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>>25094837 Hmm, this seems more balanced. Thanks for the advice, I'll be doing this from now on.
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>>25094837 OP's routine is better than SS
except that it needs some back exercise at A
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What's her name /fit/?
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Her name is karen and i haven't talked to her in about 2 years. I saw her randomly online the other day and i realized i wasn't over her and immediately got up from my pc and paced around my house contemplating things.
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>>25078346 >She stopped loving me in a few fucking days like nothing important happened. This could have something to do with it:
>I made her know I loved her with all my guts, I wanted her to know she was the only one Women want their man to have many options, you shall never make them feel like they don't have to work for your affection anymore.
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>>25078384 Stop talking and do. You lead, she follows. You wouldn't have vanilla sex if you hadn't let it develop that way.
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Grow up faggots. Try being a kissless, touchless virgin at 23.
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>>25078361 I don't want this feel..but that's pretty much me.
Top lel.