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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 3

No.43226034 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>This guy actually unironically exists
>His whole fucking family is real life ubermensch
354 posts and 73 images omitted

Winning at arm wrestling.

No.75531407 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I want to beat my friends when we come home from college next summer.
I'm weak right now. Should I just do a bunch of heavy bicep curls? How do I train?
Is it realistic I can win by next June against guys way bigger than me if I try hard?

/fph/ - fat 'people' hate

!ALGP4ItMQo No.75490131 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
previous: >>75464929
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Fat cells can’t be destroyed

No.68265478 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>fat cells are static as the amount you had during your childhood
>they only expand or contract
Unironically over for fatties and skinny fats
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Is your dog jacked

No.75442012 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Or is is a greasy couch mut with hip problems?
My dog is bulking right now since her nails have to heal more. The vet called and said her distemper vaccination is due.
>idk what that is, I'll call back
Apparently distemper means "out of balance" and seems like a myriad of possible aliments. It's the same fucking pharmaceutical companies that make autism and clot shots. So it's funny they'd make a vac for dogs called the "out of balance vaccine." Animals are treated like people. Made sick, kept alive too long while sick, and cash farmed. I've had this dogo for a year now. Feel like I got lucky. She's a real dog, currently in heat. I want her to stay healthy, smart, and swole. I don't want to give her autism. What's/fit/'s thoughts? Is your dog jacked? What's their dog program like? What's their diet?
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/fps/ - fat people stories

No.67509383 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>living in college dorm
>in room with 1 other person
>fat smelly whale vegan soiboi
>self-absorbed selfish loser
>hides the fact he never showers with loads of deodarant
>leaves shit around the dorm all the time, i have to clean it up
>always fucking annoying me with his retarded stories when im working on school shit
>never, ever lets me in his room or see his room, dont know why
>fridge filled with his "food" and soda
>he buys fuck tons of food
>never actually uses any, goes to a nearby mcdonalds and starbucks instead
>luckily i never actually use the fridge because once i buy meat i cook it instantly
>THE day comes
>come home from gym
>fat whale browsing tiktok on couch, can visibly see the couch bend at the bottom from his pure mass
>"Anon, can you pretty please clean the fridge?? Im busy right now."
>he goes to his room
>fine, the fridge cant be that bad
>open fridge
>a stench of piss, shit, rotting shit and any other disgusting smell you can imagine comes out of the fridge, filling my nasal cavities
>get knockbacked from the fridge from the pure power of the stench
>"holy shit"
>close my nose and go back it
>fridge filled with half drank oat milk, soi milk and diet pepsi
>fucking soi nuggets on a plate, filled with dark green mold, can see mold literally spreading from the plate to other parts of the fridge like a virus
>throw all the oat milk bottles into trash bag
>the top of the fridge now cleared, the backside of the fridge filled with mold
>see ants fucking everywhere
>little weird green paste in a plastic container
>maggots moving around on the surface
>close the fridge as fast as i can
>angry as shit, storm to fatasses room
>open door, see him naked on his bed
>jerking off his micropenis, literally 3cm
>his groin area filled with brown shit, probably fungus from not showering for 3 months
>cant believe it
>look down to the ground
>beautiful carpet ruined by diet pepsi stains
>atleast 4 1liter piss bottles on the ground
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No.39838850 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
> at least you're not a manlet
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The level beyond Manmor: Mannunaki?

No.37236240 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is for those who manage to grow to heights of 6'4" or taller, Manmore mode is achievement unlocked. However they can ONLY reap the rewards if they manage make a decently muscular body on their tall frame. So its like Ultra-hard-mode, but you can earn a much greater potential reward.

Their mere presence in a room makes girls cum.

Legends exist of a level beyond Manmore, a Mannunaki mode. This would require a muscular build at 7ft and up.

Recently the Mannunaki has returned to our world. Standing 7'2".

"He who shall mog them all".

Here he is with his first Mogging victim, the heaviest Mr.Olympia competitor ever, offseason bulked to 340 pounds, EASILY mogged by the Mannunaki.
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No.75115927 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
175 posts and 110 images omitted

No.75081317 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>can do 10 pull ups for 5 sets
>can't hold a plank for 30 seconds
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