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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 14

No.53835118 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is the stairmaster the chad of cardio equipment?
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No.70439820 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>tfw gf is pregnant
Lifts for end of normal life?
1 post omitted

No.69730798 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
My niece suffers from vaginal discharge, which has, for the past three months, been constant.
It is dark yellow in colour but has little or no odour. The discharge itself is sometimes quite copious and reacts with the skin around her vulva causing redness and sometimes ulcerations. Any /fit/ advice?
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Angry after getting /fit/

No.67861987 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Bro why the FUCK are normies so pants-on-head retarded? The more that I work out, the more I have come to despise the general public. Despite being clinically obese, they:
>don't understand the value of exercise
>hate you for not being fatties like them
>don't understand what a macro is
>don't know the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats (they think I'm talking about trans fats which are banned in commercial foods)
>have no concept of different carb types or what insulin does
>think sugar is a poison
>think pizza, cake, and donuts are "high carb" rather than "high fat"
>don't eat any fruits or vegetables
>don't bother to track calories or read labels
>think you can be healthy at any size
>don't understand the causes of heart disease
>are sedentary 95% of the day
>eat zero fiber
>are chronically dehydrated and think that's normal
>think "cheat meals" are a normal everyday occurance
I'm seriously considering leaving humanity behind. What is even the point of trying to teach these lard buckets how to eat?


No.70161436 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I will keep using this coombait until you RETARDS start doing your stupid push-ups. Double whatever number you get or you're a massive pussy.
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Made BJJ instructor mad

No.69999164 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
6’2” 230lb 2 month white belt and was rolling with my decade something black belt instructor and got him in a bad position and hooked him with a guillotine but more so around his jawline. Anyways I let go eventually because pointless but it must’ve made him enraged or something because he started going hard and George Floyded my neck for the finish. I asked him what it was and he passive aggressively said if your going to do stuff like that people are going to do it right back to you. Anyways back to it I pull his legs to my hips and pass his guard I don’t really remember when I did this but apparently he said I kneed him in the face but don’t remember but got him in a guillotine again but let go because I don’t want him mad but eventually he takes my back and starts squeezing on my face. I don’t know Im and awkward guy already and just want to learn and don’t want to be a mean aggressive guy and have fun and I try good proper etiquette but sometimes slip up because I’m new and don’t really know my strength and size. If the black belt instructor with decades of martial arts training gets super passive aggressive and try’s to pretend he’s not upset and then tries to be dirty to a 2 month white belt that doesn’t know what he’s doing wrong then I don’t really think I should keep going to that gym. If you are a coach/instructor in any type of sport you should get up walk away and then tell your player/student what they’re doing wrong instead of going for revenge on a 20 year old kid because you maybe thought he exposed you and damaged your ego.
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No.70091428 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Digits and you stop reading incel and demotivating threads for ever
187 posts and 41 images omitted

do i have twink potential?

No.69934926 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
if so what should i do to achieve twink mode?
any specific lifts, cardio, etc.?
i would like to be a little bit leaner too
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No.69951248 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Should gymbros leave the west and take our gains somewhere they'll be more appreciated?

No.69852467 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Whats the secret for big booba? Becoming fat then lose weight?
58 posts and 9 images omitted