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If you have a small bone structure, don't even bother lifting. You're just naturally weak and had low testosterone and high estrogen in childhood. You are genetic trash.
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>>25054090 hi you must be a faggot who doesnt even lift, hello there shitposter!
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>>25054090 >Tfw skinny fag, but massive bone structure I need to start lifting whiles its good.
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Good fucking god. I swear you guys are the most insecure mother fuckers on the planet. I don't even think you know it. Thank fuck I'm not an abysmal faggot and think about this shit like facial aesthetics and fucking bone structure all day.
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>>25054623 Right Frodo. I wonder why they created weight classes in every martial sport?
Go and challenge some heavyweight you little shit.
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>>25054623 gr8 fuggin b8 m8
I'm up to doing 8 reps for my sets of chin-ups and I want to start adding a bit of weight What's a good starting point, should I just clip 2.5kg/5lbs to a dip belt and go?
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>>25045911 That's what I thought, just wanted to make sure
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>>25045889 Do you really need a chain for that?
Why not just slip them into your fat gym shorts.
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Feels by Random Anon>Feels are when you're with a girl for almost two years. >Feels are when she's your first love and you fall madly in love with her. >Feels are when you plan on marrying her in the near future. >Feels are when you catch her in the act fucking a skeletor after you walked two miles in the pouring rain with a bouquet of flowers. >Feels are even a year and a half after the end of the relationship you still dream about her and miss her. Does /fit/ have these feels? Pic related; it's her.
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>>25044931 quoted wrong guy
>>25044867 The word is usually. And unfortunately, this isn't good enough for me. You can determine a person's emotions from looking at their face but maybe they're just having a bad day, or maybe they just don't like smiling, maybe this is their happy face.
Sure, I'll do a quick reading of someone when I meet them. But I don't make that my final conclusion. Just using a face isn't enough to give an accurate reading of someone and what they're like.
>>25044954 That's fine if you want to waste your time assessing and evaluating each person in great detail.
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>>25044942 It was a quick example that I gave from one of my textbooks. Follows the same principle.
Again, yes you can read people but off of a single image? Not enough data unless you have god-like abilities, previously gained knowledge, or glaring obvious answers in said photo.
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>>25044963 >>25044963 Nah, not every person. It's all or nothing. If you aren't interesting or someone that I want to associate with, I won't even remember you at all.
I don't see a point in doing partial evaluations/readings.
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Does anyone else know that feel when no gf?
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>>23913608 >tfw me and my ex look like these two nogf
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>tfw you look average, are 26 years old, straight, and are still a virgin >tfw the most you have said to a female in weeks is "hello" and "thank you" >tfw going to gym is the only thing which helps me feel better
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i didnt believe in this tfwnogf shenanigans i believed all you of you where fat neckbeards who just complained and where total pussies to women, then one day it happened, talking to girls wasnt hard but i wanted more, i wanted love>tfw no qt3.14 gf
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I was unemployed for 3 months. Lost sight of who I wanted to be, what I wanted to do with myself. She dumped me. Literally 6 days later I get insta-hired for a cushy $26 an hour warehouse job. TFW money, motivation, able to afford gym again, everything I want, but no gf.
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You know, cheating is tough but its not just girls. Both girls and guys do it.... 50 percent of people overall will cheat.
It's about individuals and their choices. Sometimes people make bad choices and overall become better for it afterward. The best thing to do is try to put yourself in someone else's shoes and see what's actually happening. If things are still crazy then you can learn something from the situation and IMPROVE. is there to help women or gay guys figure out whats going on in their relationships and to get better from there for themselves and consequently for others. Again, it's 50 percent of people who cheat. Try to be understanding, however you don't ever need to be walked over.
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>>24991779 Thank you skeleton
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>tfw no gains to lose
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Thank you hungry skeleton
>Elliot Hulse Sellout, completely retarded bloke who probaby reads a dictionnary before each of his videos to appear smart. Hasbecome a complete sellout, has a 'wannabe tough mothefucker' behaviour infront of the camera, despite being a sad sack of shit. An empty nut, doesn't bring anything to the table, probably crazy.>Hodgetwins The only amazing thing in the Hodgetwins is that each twin is more retarded than the other one. No advice whatsoever, a lot of broscience, live off their channel and forced to make tons of useless videos.>Jason Blaha A fart in the wind. So emotional he's about to cry in every video he does. Probably as crazy as Elliot Hulse, if not more. Always looked like shit, even on steroids. Advice has next to no value.>Frank Yang Fucked in the head. Too busy being dumb to realize that his girlfriend gets the BBC when he's not here. Typcal spoiled brat who does so many things with his life, he ends up doing absolutely nothing worthwhile and meaningful.>Scooby Tries to reinvent lifting, when there is nothing to reinvent. 80% of his claims are massive bullshit. Probably uses steroids, doesn't want to admit it. Also openly gay. Who do we have left
Frank Yang !6TR6WI0kuU
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>>24957900 night. 7 30 pm in asia. Just finished my dinner.
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>>24951068 He is natty. He has trained since 12 years old. That's many fucking decades of heavy lifting.
>>24948552 >Elliot Love him
>Twins They're a sometimes food
>Jason Who?
>Frank Don't like his vids
>Scoob Got my bro into lifting so I like him
>Dom Really entertaining
Frank Yang !6TR6WI0kuU
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>>24958711 >>24958711 why don't you like my videos bro, I'm by far the best filmmaker/video editor in the fitness community, possibly the whole of YT. Look beyond the BBCs brahaaafaaaaa
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Anyone who denies the scientific proof of somatotypes is a fat shamer.
Somatotypes are the biggest load of bullshit junk science I've ever seen. I was 4'10" 90 pounds my sophmore year of highschool. I stayed skinny while growing slowly until I finally realized I needed to eat at a large caloric surplus. After 4 years of lifting I'm now 5'10" 195
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>>24959837 yes, because you were a fucking idiot means that they don't exist.
thank you for clarifying.
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>>24948454 Anyone have the picture of the fat women with the table of food in front of her looking at the camera? I can't find it.
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new stroids general
>>24886154 glad to hear it m80.
how was it ruining academic life before?
Currently: 350 Prop 525 Vet Tr(...) !FAtLifts26
Currently: 350 Prop 525 Vet Tr(...) !FAtLifts26 Sat 01 Feb 2014 04:20:11 No. 24886227 Report >>24886170 No attention span, unreal libido, just scoping out chicks all day at campus, masturbating all day outside the class and gym.
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>>24886227 lel. i'm one month out of PCT and my libido is non-existent (despite having normal T levels).
im actually thankful because im in the process of starting a company and cant be dealing with that shit (ran 500 test 500 mast for 14 weeks, spent 80% of my time hitting on girls).
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Took a tab of 25i and all of my friends aren't doing anything tonight, don't want to go out alone. Looks like I might just watch adventure time all night.
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>that guy who brings a water bottle to the gym
>that guy who won't come and ask to work in at the power rack with you and your buddies so instead makes a facebook status bitching about you
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>that guy who checks his numbers daily
>>24939271 Omega manchild detected
>that cashier shortchanged me grrrr so mad >girls go for DYEL's cant handle real man lel >mom making me pay rent grrrr so angree at least iron understand Anonymous
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>that guy who plugs his music into the yoga room speakers while the gym already plays music and I have earbuds in the guy asked me if it was too loud and I said yeah so he told me to lower it. I lowered it, he put it up again.
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>>24939304 >Omega manchild detected Funny thing is he's a pretty big black guy that wouldn't have any trouble getting grills. Myself and two or three other friends were working to failure on random stuff like deads/squats/bench/OHP because it was late at night with barely anyone in the gym. If him and his other friend (who is also pretty big) wanted to come and use the power rack (of which there are two in the gym), they need only have asked. Instead they sat on the couch for like half an hour staring at us.
I dun' goofed, /fit/. Up until a few days ago, I had been running a modified 5x5, and every single day I maxed my squat. Well, the last time I maxed my squat, my drive out of the bottom was shit and it turned into a semi-squatmorning. On my next lifting day, I went to warm up with 1 plate on my dead, and noticed I had pretty bad pain in my lower back, and keeping my back straight was near-impossible. The same thing happened when I tried to squat after that. So my question is, how bad am I fucked? Did I just pull something that will eventually heal, or am I screwed?>pls respond /fit/, so scared I won't be able to squat/deadlift heavy anymore.
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>>24931870 I know it sucks but in the long run, would you rather have a week off or a fucked up spine?
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> every single day I maxed my squat don't do this? where is the pain? does it feel like it is in your spine or off to one side? does it radiate into your legs? if you are lucky it's just muscular and will heal in a couple of weeks with rest. if you're less lucky it's a bulging or herniated disc. rest until the pain is gone before you start squatting again. then start with a lower weight than you were using and ramp back up. i'd say cut out the maxes or at least only once a week. i don't see any reason to frequently do 1rm unless you are a power lifter.
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The pain is pretty much right in the middle of my lower back, and it's localized. It doesn't radiate down into my legs or anything, so I'm hoping it's not a herniated disk or pinched nerve.
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>>24931652 >rest >chiropractor >focused electrical massage >stretching of hams and quads Anonymous
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>>24931652 One word
Ibuprofen lots of it