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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 112

No.25054090 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
If you have a small bone structure, don't even bother lifting. You're just naturally weak and had low testosterone and high estrogen in childhood. You are genetic trash.
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No.25045889 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm up to doing 8 reps for my sets of chin-ups and I want to start adding a bit of weight

What's a good starting point, should I just clip 2.5kg/5lbs to a dip belt and go?

No.25044302 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Feels by Random Anon
>Feels are when you're with a girl for almost two years.
>Feels are when she's your first love and you fall madly in love with her.
>Feels are when you plan on marrying her in the near future.
>Feels are when you catch her in the act fucking a skeletor after you walked two miles in the pouring rain with a bouquet of flowers.
>Feels are even a year and a half after the end of the relationship you still dream about her and miss her.

Does /fit/ have these feels?

Pic related; it's her.
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No.23913206 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Does anyone else know that feel when no gf?
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No.24991779 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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Fitness Youtube

No.24948552 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Elliot Hulse
Sellout, completely retarded bloke who probaby reads a dictionnary before each of his videos to appear smart. Hasbecome a complete sellout, has a 'wannabe tough mothefucker' behaviour infront of the camera, despite being a sad sack of shit.
An empty nut, doesn't bring anything to the table, probably crazy.

The only amazing thing in the Hodgetwins is that each twin is more retarded than the other one. No advice whatsoever, a lot of broscience, live off their channel and forced to make tons of useless videos.

>Jason Blaha
A fart in the wind. So emotional he's about to cry in every video he does. Probably as crazy as Elliot Hulse, if not more. Always looked like shit, even on steroids. Advice has next to no value.

>Frank Yang
Fucked in the head. Too busy being dumb to realize that his girlfriend gets the BBC when he's not here. Typcal spoiled brat who does so many things with his life, he ends up doing absolutely nothing worthwhile and meaningful.

Tries to reinvent lifting, when there is nothing to reinvent. 80% of his claims are massive bullshit. Probably uses steroids, doesn't want to admit it.
Also openly gay.

Who do we have left
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No.24945849 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Anyone who denies the scientific proof of somatotypes is a fat shamer.
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No.24876717 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
new stroids general
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No.24936721 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>that guy who brings a water bottle to the gym
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No.24931652 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I dun' goofed, /fit/.

Up until a few days ago, I had been running a modified 5x5, and every single day I maxed my squat.

Well, the last time I maxed my squat, my drive out of the bottom was shit and it turned into a semi-squatmorning. On my next lifting day, I went to warm up with 1 plate on my dead, and noticed I had pretty bad pain in my lower back, and keeping my back straight was near-impossible. The same thing happened when I tried to squat after that.

So my question is, how bad am I fucked? Did I just pull something that will eventually heal, or am I screwed?

>pls respond /fit/, so scared I won't be able to squat/deadlift heavy anymore.
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