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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 116

No.24548249 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sup everyone!
I've been working on bar workouts for a while now.

Please rate my body, comment, critique, suggestions, etc.

Trying to go hard as hell this year! Let's get it!

"Be the best you can be"
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No.24510668 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone else fans of Larissa Reis? Also general /fit/ girl thread.

No.24444336 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>finally have gf
>fuck a few times a week
>one catch
>shes a fatass
>35% bodyfat or more
>Im only there for the pussy

What do?
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No.24430667 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Welp, this is it. The holy grail of protein packed lunch.

The 4-pack costs $12-$15 depending on where you shop.

Each can contains 72g of protein... That's right, 72g of lean chicken breast proteins, and it's not even very filling. 288g in the whole pack. Dump it into a pan with some olive oil, water, seasonings and veggies like spinach/tomatoes/onions, whatever you think would be good, heat it until the veggies reduce and you're all set.
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NYRfag stories

No.24422209 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Well /fit/, it's been two weeks since I've been to the gym, been on holiday. But been reading all your NYRfag threads and I finally went back to the gym today. Part of me hoped to see some hilarity.

>2/3 people there tonight are new faces I've never seen
>nothing too bad, mainly people on machines doing really fast, high rep sets

>suddenly skinnyfat guy in weights area, probably about mid 30s
>doing some fucking crazy things with dumbells
>DB in one hand, throwing arm up like a hammer curl, letting go of DB and catching it in other hand, repeat
>doing some weird quick motioned, hand pump things with DBs, like he was dancing in a nightclub
>on cable fly machine, pulling cables with each arm and folding arms, with incredibly slow speed
>any actual lifts he was doing was done using a huge amount of momentum
>does one high rep set of each and moves to the next, like a circuit
>see him flexing in mirror at times
my face was dildos watching him perform all these strange lifts

>loads of unracked weights
>random DBs and BBs are spread out all over gym

>some kid came in and was doing SS
>deadlift form wasn't perfect, but not bad
>his squats were quite good, however not full ROM
>first person i've seen at my gym doing SS
>i'm proud of him
>he's gonna make it

Another thing that was good was that all these NYRs made me less of a social autist and I was able to go up to random people when I needed something and ask 'How many more sets man?'
Then they'd usually straight away say 'Nah I'm done you can have it'

No.24412858 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
sup /fit/

>broke up with gf after more than a couple of years
>too much free time
>planing to get back to WoW after 6 years
>was hardocre while not caring about aesthetic

So, the point is, I am planning to get back into WoW. My plan is, work/gym/wow until I find a new GF. Any /fit/izen making it this way?
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!!QhoKHcjB3xS No.24406027 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
General Workout Music
Haven't seen one of these in a while.

I will be posting strictly EDM but you're welcome to post anything.
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No.24404679 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>come to /fit/
>ask for advice on how to start right from the basics
>this guy gives me advice and leaves his skype
>add him because why not?
>ask me for a picture so he can help me better
>send it to him
>give me diet advice and tells me to stick to strictly follow it
>about 3 months later
>he asks for a progress picture
>send it to him
>he says i'm doing really well
>buys me something from amazon for my progress
>continue with the basic routine
a few more months later
>look at myself in the mirror
>my butt and thighs look really nice
>...wait a minute
>search the workout advice he gave me
>it's a guide for traps to boost their feminine features
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No.24404461 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sup /fit/. I'm skinnyfat. I weigh about 140 pounds at 5'9. For the new year, I've decided to clean up my habits and finally go to the gym. I don't to read the sticky because it's kind of long, so i was wondering what the basic summary of it was. Also all I have is a pull-up bar, two 20 pound dumbbells, and a jump rope.

/fit/ please help.
pic unrelated
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