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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 121

No.22340268 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone know a reliable place to order DNP capsules from that'll ship to the states?
21 posts and 4 images omitted

Lu Vs Pl'ing

No.23722898 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ive always been curious as to how well would Lu Xiaojun do in a powerlifting contest? what does /fit tink

No.22374463 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
mirin' stories

>be at dermatologist today
>had to remove a mole from the sun
>only women working there
>all of them 7-9/10
>enter room
>take of your shirt please so i can have a look anon
>take of shirt
>'haha, oh my'
>5 second silence
>takes camera out (she needed to take pictures of the mole, research purpose or someshit)
>takes picture of chest
>huge smile on her face the whole time
>finally tells me to turn around (mole is on my back)
>begin small talk
>'how old are you anon'
>'arent you muscular for your age!'
>make joke that i do i bit of yoga
>tells me that there is a festival in town next week and i should come by since im new in town

we all gonna make it bros
167 posts and 23 images omitted

No.23708502 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /fit/

I'm supposed to go to them gym in 15 minutes.

But it's cold, raining, and my body is all DOMed the fuck up.

It's back day, so i'm like meh, what if I skip it?

What do?
13 posts and 1 image omitted

No.23689318 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>yfw its habbening
10 posts and 1 image omitted

No.23669826 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

>inb4 no traps
>inb4 no lats
>inb4 manlet
41 posts and 7 images omitted

No.15852500 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
what the fuck is this god forsaken piece of shit /fit/?
38 posts and 9 images omitted

No.23658036 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Alright /fit/ I got 600$ on my paypal account, I'll gift the first three of you to roll 69 anything on
312 posts and 18 images omitted

Deep-web markets

No.23606848 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's talk deep-web markets (created a similar thread a few days ago but had to leave)

With the original SR and BMR gone, SM is the only one remaining. Anyone have experience with the new ones like SR 2.0, regarding vendor reliability, prices etc that they can share? Is it best to wait a few months to see which one proves to be the top dog or to order now from the new ones?
5 posts omitted

No.23051439 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>mfw mike chang
alright /fit/, whats in mike changs magic red drink?
im not waiting for "just a second" to find out, i already watched a "short 1 minute video" of his that was 5 mins long, and im not giving that fuckwit anymore views to brag about. an Asian at my gym was drinking it today but he left before i could ask him so can someone tell me whats in it?
23 posts and 9 images omitted