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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 123

No.23388011 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
is it dangerous to snort preworkout?

eating disorder

No.23373545 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/fit/ I think I may have the onset of a eating disorder or something

I was a fatasfatass most of my life, always got made fun of, was pretty shitty, only recently (past year) decided to get fit and have had amazing weight loss, but lately there are always these times where i'll get my calories for the day but i'll have this enormous hunger and I literally cannot ignore it, it is literally like painful in my stomach and I cannot think about anything else,
so I end up binge eating all the time and afterwards I literally hate myself and think I am the worst fattest piece of shit in the world when sometimes it isn't even that much food, and I will be depressed for the rest of the day and I will be in like despair. It's really fucked up and I don't know what to do and it's really fucking with my life. do any of you have similar experiences or can help with some advice?
21 posts omitted

No.20815600 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Goal body thread
104 posts and 44 images omitted

No.23128808 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>tfw a movie hits way too close to home
117 posts and 36 images omitted

Good Feels, >tfw no gf not allowed in here

No.23274073 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT: Good Feels

>tfw the first time someone compliments you because of your, I quote, "overall physique"

As someone who has been a hamplanet for 10 years, and never considered his body attractive before he started lifting, this makes me genuinely happy.


>tfw feeling up your new found muscular quads unter the shower

th-thanks Rippetoe...
337 posts and 78 images omitted

No.23270991 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>tfw sticky is shit

good diet foods to lose weight go
50 posts and 7 images omitted

No.23270910 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So i been lifting for 2 years now, and have yet to talk to a single girl
th..thanks /fit/
Im only making this thread as a precautionary for those that think lifting will get them a girl (it wont) ur better off doing drugs and hanging at clubs/bars

Fucked a tranny

No.23254517 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey /fit/ reporting back from earlier about fucking a trap for the first time

Gather around i got a tale to tell.
251 posts and 60 images omitted

No.23262879 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Haha, faggot.
2 posts and 1 image omitted