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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 125

No.23137800 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Im about to eat a pack of a bacon and im cutting
am i making a mistake?
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No.23137871 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
As a former fatty, my constitution/stamina is beyond fucked up. It got slightly better but I still cant run long distances and stuff.

What can I do do increase my stamina in long terms?

No.23016744 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's appropriate feel when an ex-gf you havn't talked to in a year gets back in contact after breaking up with her bf? She wasn't even talking about the breakup, just mentioned it casually and left it at that.

If she was in the same city I'd assume she wants the D. But she's in another country. WTF /fit/?

Aspie brain unable to process this.
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/fit/'s penis size

No.21748086 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Just used a measuring tape to see how big my dick is for the first time ever and was surprised that I'm 7.5"

How long is everyone else?
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No.23089616 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So....Frank Yang used CT fletchers speech from one of his videos in one of his own collab vids with Kali muscle, to spread his message.

CT Fletcher found out, jimmies were rustled, and now he wrote this to one of franks friends.

top lel
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No.23091582 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
didn't see one in the catalog, so I'll start.

Is it possible to build muscles while on a caloric deficit?
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No.23066576 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This hurts when I squat.
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No.23043207 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Have you ever fucked a fatty, fit?
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No.21581931 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
> just finishing a 6 month long cut
> decide to squeeze in a 2 week 500mg DNP cycle at the end for maximum results.
> Ordered some from one of the sources that were posted a few weeks ago here on /fit/.
> Luckily, the guy lives right where i live and i got it within 24hours of me contacting him. Hand to hand.
> Used to old d-hacks quality, but shiieeet mane the stuff i'm on now is tight tight tight,
> day 7 already, sweating buckets. Had to change 3 times already today and i've only been awake for 5 hours.
> Just took my second cap for the day. Feel that i'm starting to sweat more because i just ate half an hour ago
> Bro calls me up telling me that this hot chick i'm totally into but lives like 1000km away is in town for the weekend and wants to go clubbing tonight.
> I get excited because fuck yeah that's my chance to finally give her sum fuk. She digs me and i dig her but due to complications (a.k.a. a cockblocking landwhale friend of hers) we couldn't get it on last time she was here.
> realise i can't leave the house sweating as much as i do right now due to the DNP.
> call my bro and tell him i can't make it tonight
> dude's confused as fuck and doesn't understand the world anymore.
> i sit right inbetween to fans blowing me sipping on some ice cold water and trying to decide which movies i'm gonna watch tonight.

Hold me, /fit/.
77 posts and 6 images omitted

No.22949859 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Decided to get /fit/. I don't have access to a gym, but i do have some weights at home.
What should i do to get fit?
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