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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 127

No.22649698 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>go to faggy planet fitness imitation gym because its the only gym even relatively close by
>deadlift day
>doing back extensions for assistance work
>weight on the machine doesn't go high enough to satisfy me
>maximum range of motion
>maximum weight
>50 rep sets because its too fucking light
>machine is coming off the ground with every rep because i train explosively
>go back today
>i'm banned
similar experiences /fit/?
pic not related
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No.22646743 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm looking into working out at home. I have dumbbells (with changeable weights) and a bar.
>no squatting
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!!Rmo7zH6AYs7 No.21448580 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
My year here on /fit/ has caused both incredible joy and incredible pain. I love you, at least 99% of you :) I dont have time for a full goodbye letter now but I will continue to communicate with /fit/ in my own puzzlemaster ways. Dont go looking for any hidden, encoded messages for at least 6 months though because its going to take that long to get our lives back in order.

My last YouTube video will go live in about 20 minutes:

Auf Wiedersehen
Peter Zahn
721 posts and 131 images omitted

No.22627730 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I need help, /fit/.

I lift... a lot, but I want to lose a lot of fat and make myself look lean and cut.

My HUGE problem is I CANNOT control my eating habits. After a hard workout I will usually eat a shit load of junk and I never do cardio.

I want to teach myself to eat healthy and do cardio but at the same time I don't want to lose my gains I've been working for, for about 3 years.

Anyone ever have the same problem but then somehow got themselves motivated? If so, please help.
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No.22626887 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hi /fit/, this is me. The lighting is bad, but basically I'm not fat but I'm not ripped but I'm not "skinny-fat". My legs are pretty toned, but I mean really you can't tell shit from this picture.

My boyfriend comes on here a lot, and I've always been interested in fitness but don't really know how to go about.. Being hardcore and shit, or whatever. We talk about fitness all the time

>"you 'mirin, babe? Yeah, you 'mirin"

(I'm usually 'mirin, yeah.)

But I want to get into it more, go to the gym with him and shit.

My "routine" is: Eat when you're hungry, move lots, don't put bad shit into your body. So, basically a really shitty routine.

I eat healthy. I never eat fried foods, keep sugary foods at a minimum (by sugary foods I mean fruit. I never eat candy/chocolate/etc). I eat lots of protein and a minimum of fat because I'm obviously not bulking. I do cardio every other day and some medicine ball workouts I found on Youtube.

I've kind of glanced at the sticky, but the topics are too specific. I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking to do with myself, just that I want a more structured routine that will get me healthy as fuck and I want to run fast and beat all those skinny-fat bitches that walk around campus all the time thinking they look good in yoga pants.

>bitch, please

Help me, /fit/!
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No.22627351 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Gaining muscle without bulking. Discuss.
133 posts and 13 images omitted

No.22393683 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>tfw gf has the best ass in the gym


no other alpha feels can compete with this
8 posts and 2 images omitted

No.21985573 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is there anyone who has an aesthetic rockin' body with a chiselled chest and nice defined abs who are still virgins or have never had a girlfriend before? In other words, an alpha body yet a beta personality.
225 posts and 39 images omitted

No.22234586 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>tfw do nofap and lose sex drive and feel depressed

Never again.
213 posts and 19 images omitted

No.22414585 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
fps time
>going out with girl
>shes a bit pudgy
>she wants to go to Aldi (awesome store in Aus that sells shit cheap)
>go in and we walk up and down the sweets isle twice
>see they have good protein for cheap
>buy that and some gum
>she buys a literal ton of shit
>sit down she asks if I want any
>say no, cause cutting
>she says to have one and basically throws it at me
>want to get laid so play along
>eat one cookie
>must've been 300+cal
>jesus what have I done
>sit there while she eats all this crap and "saves" some for later
>went home and thought of all the shit I ate that day, still good
>never call her back
>texts me for sex
>not sure if can deal
277 posts and 69 images omitted