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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 129

No.22627351 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Gaining muscle without bulking. Discuss.
133 posts and 13 images omitted

No.22393683 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>tfw gf has the best ass in the gym


no other alpha feels can compete with this
8 posts and 2 images omitted

No.21985573 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is there anyone who has an aesthetic rockin' body with a chiselled chest and nice defined abs who are still virgins or have never had a girlfriend before? In other words, an alpha body yet a beta personality.
225 posts and 39 images omitted

No.22234586 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>tfw do nofap and lose sex drive and feel depressed

Never again.
213 posts and 19 images omitted

No.22414585 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
fps time
>going out with girl
>shes a bit pudgy
>she wants to go to Aldi (awesome store in Aus that sells shit cheap)
>go in and we walk up and down the sweets isle twice
>see they have good protein for cheap
>buy that and some gum
>she buys a literal ton of shit
>sit down she asks if I want any
>say no, cause cutting
>she says to have one and basically throws it at me
>want to get laid so play along
>eat one cookie
>must've been 300+cal
>jesus what have I done
>sit there while she eats all this crap and "saves" some for later
>went home and thought of all the shit I ate that day, still good
>never call her back
>texts me for sex
>not sure if can deal
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Are people scared of you?

No.22448906 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
A question for all the big/thick/tight/ripped guys on this board.

Are people afraid of you?

Recently I've been getting the distinct impression that a large percentage of the population is outright fearful of me. I've been walking down the street and noticed women just cross the street, sometimes several lanes of traffic, just to avoid having to pass me. I've had kids just stop and stare at me, as if some instinctual trigger in them made them forget how to walk. Men sometimes will sheepishly address me as "hey big guy" or something to that effect. Cashiers at the store will be super friendly to the person ahead of me in line, and then when it's time for me to check-out they're as silent as a mouse. I've been told before that I look "intimidating" so maybe that's part of it.

I don't know if I like this feel.
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No.22020997 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
John Kiefer of carb-backloading says that nicotine is a surefire way to fat loss, even moreso than ephedrine. What say you?
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No.22626701 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>have older brother
>fucking loser autist with no friends
>girls hate him because he's a fucking moron
>only thing he does is draw/paint
>spends most of his time drawing really intense pictures of solid snake and spiderman
>fucking idiot
>one day our oldest brother gets brain cancer
>shit sucks, 50/50 chance he'll survive the surgery
>shit goes down, family comes out, friends around the world hold fundraisers and shit
>I had to govern all this, parents were to upset to do anything, brother is an idiot
>surgery works, brother is all good now
>I get all the glory from bitches for the leadership I showed throughout all this
>feel bad for my brother, he's always in my shadow
>one day go into his bedroom
>holy fucking shit
>the fucking craziest ass painting is in there
>it's like what the fuck
>ask him about it
>he told me when our brother had cancer, he knew his favourite colour was red
>so every couple days he would just randomly stroke in a different shade of red
>by the end of it all, he had gone through over 100 different goddamn shades of red
>wtf why
>he said i dunno, just felt like painting, and red was his fav colour so...
>explain to him how genius that shit is
>he's all "really? wut?"
>tell this one artsy bitch i know about him and the story behind that painting
>she's fucking touched in both the heart and the panties by it
>get them together to date
>he tells her all about his other paintings and shit
>she eats that shit up
>this stupid ugly fucker now has a qt3.14 hipster gf
>they spend all their time painting and shit
>he's no longer an autist

it's all about your self-image you tfw no gf faggots, there's bound to be something badass about your personalities, something no one else does, but the more you think there isn't, there more you stay a pathetic shit

figure your shit out, pull out that one part of you that is near and dear to you and build upon it, be confident and proud as fuck about it

prepare to drown in pussy

1 post omitted

No.22418865 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
yo /fit/
i would like your opinion on this routine
it's for hypertrophy apparently. it can be found on the bodybuilding website. most of this authors statements aren't backed by scientific citations. is it bullshit, /fit/?
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No.22563034 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/fit/ How do I into dancing in clubs?

The easy way out is to get drunk and just have fun. Still most people look like monkeys in the jungle doing that.

I would even invest a year or two to properly learn to dance cause I'm sure this would enhance the club experience quite a bit.

>inb4 dancing is for fags
117 posts and 14 images omitted