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Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
>tried pic related for first time today >expect heart to explode, mega-speed effects >not even sure if it's working during workout >realize I've been lifting for 2 1/2 hours and hit every muscle group heavily >now feel fatigued but generally awesome
Everything went better than expected. Am I missing something?
> Be on SS for third month (One day I'll make it!) > Warm up squats, form is shit (More than usual) > Failed working sets (After deloading) > Fuck it, move on to press > Fail press (After deloading) (twice) > Leave gym
I think I'm going to reset everything friday. Probably drop by 30% and focus on form.
Or rather, my obese cat needs your help. She looks pretty close to the cat in this picture.
The obvious solution would be to just give it less food, but that is pretty much impossible. I have two other cats and it's impossible to give them different amounts of food, since the other cats can't eat that fast. The obese cat doesn't really move much and it's very hard to encourage it to chase a ball or something.
What do I do, I don't want to be responsible for its premature death ;_;
That's it /fit/. I'm done. I've tried losing weight for 4 fucking years and nothings working. I've tried SS, GOMAD, SS+GOMAD, SS-GOMAD, and SSXGOMAD and NOTHING IS FUCKING WORKING. >tfw 5'6 male and fat >tfw no slutty ass bitch gf >tfw 39 >tfw beetees
FUCK YOU /FIT/, You're a bunch of fags who worship dead bodybuilders.
>inb4 read the sticky >read the sticky >read >tfw illiterate
hey fit let's say I'm on a workout routine and I'm eating clean and losing weight. tonight I ate all you can eat and now im stuffed... any ways to recover or whatever?