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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 133


!!+3cq/NnEZku No.21455815 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
it's my first time going to a gym tomorrow, what should I expect?
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No.17336736 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be 21yo virgin
>meet a girl at uni
>she acts tsundere
>text and facebook message her non-stop, pretty much harass her into dating me
>after weeks of this I finally break her will and she accepts
>go on a date
>we hit it off
>finally have a QT 3.14 girlfriend
>fast forward a couple weeks

>first time having sex
>her pussy is farting non stop
>she tries to act like it's normal and just ignores the situation
>I go out of my way to tell her it's no big deal
>tell her I enjoy her body and that pussyfarts are natural
>tell her her body is a wonderland
>the pussyfarts keep on coming
>I feel a little awkward so I try to put her at ease by breathing in the pussy air
>every time a pussyfart comes, I pull out and sensually smell around her pussy area
>deep breaths
>this goes on for 5-6 pussyfarts
>each time, say something like "your body is a wonderland", compliment her, say I love her scent, etc.
>on the 6th or 7th time, she stops me and gets up like she's mad
>puts her clothes back on, says this isn't gonna work
>hasn't responded to any of my texts or FB messages even though I've left her hundreds

Does that mean I'm still a virgin /fit/?
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No.21311756 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
tfw gf
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No.21246327 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey /fit/,

So there's this guy who goes to my gym. He's probably one of the three biggest guys there. In the couple months I've noticed him there he's always kind of lifting by himself, very quiet, doesn't bother to associate with anyone else there, despite there being "cliques" of bros or at least pairs of people who associate with each other. I finally decided to talk to him, let's call him Brick, and this dude could not be more masculine. He stands about 6 feet tall, has a deep, resonate voice, is in perfect shape, and you can tell that if he didn't keep his face clean shaven he'd have a huge beard. He's got short-cropped hair and narrow, steely eyes. I don't mean to sound like such a homo, but I really admire him.

Anyways, I finally got up the courage to talk to him despite the fact that no one else seems to bother with him and he makes no effort in return. Turns out he's a surprisingly chill guy. He's a man of few words, never going out of his way to talk and only answering in one word responses unless he needs to explain something. Even more surprising is Brick's personal life. He's 35 years old and lives alone, unmarried, no kids. Judging by his loft I'd say he lives pretty well. He won't tell me what he does beyond that he is a contract worker. In fact, almost everything about Brick is mysterious.

Lately we've been going out to bars, he insists on going to upscale places where he can wear a suit and smoke cigars. When I told him that those places were a bit out of my budget, he told me not to worry about it and put the entire tab on his card. He basically just sits there drinking his scotch and listening to me prattle on about whatever. He makes no effort whatsoever to talk to women but I can tell they're all looking at him (I myself couldn't feel more invisible in his presence), and sometimes the bold ones will approach him and end up going home with him for the night.
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No.21235661 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
any fit guys here actually like thin girls? post examples.
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No.21084042 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>tfw girl just straight up takes a pic of you mcdonalds, not even trying to hide when I glance at her while sipping on diet coke

No.21165888 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/v/irgin here looking to get fit

So i've been doing cardio and muscle for 4 weeks now, but I don't have access to free weights at home, so I want to sign up for a gym.

I'm 70kg and 6ft, not really overweight. I guess skinnyfat is probably the way to describe it.

How fucking retarded will I look trying to do free weights next to a bunch of ultra hench bodybuilders?
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steron general

!THEPlASma. No.19420343 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
new s-steron th-thread?

Just ordered this, to address what little possibility there was left of contamination (which was pretty close to nil anyways), but hey, never let it be said that I don't care about my customers, I'm not even out of the hole yet and I'm still digging deeper to provide the highest standard of product.
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No.21001302 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Time to start working out I guess

Discouragement after serious stalls...

No.15553515 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So here it is /fit/, my lifts after almost a year.
Absolutely pathetic.
>About 18 months ago I got in a car accident that severed tendons in my left tricep and cut up my forearm quite a bit.

I started at 5lb dumbbells benching and made great noob gains in the beginning of 2012 when I first started lifting, but in the last 6 months I have made almost no progress.
Even worse, now I'm living alone and I'm not sure how to buy enough food for myself to bulk or eat above maintenance.

For those willing to help me:
>1) I have a really hard time with any pushing exercises because my left arm stalls about half-ROM in most lifts. I still want to put my bench up quite a bit, but it might be unrealistic. My goal is to bench my bodyweight.
>2) Anyone have any tips for some great bulk foods that are easily prepared? I can buy whatever, I just don't know what to buy honestly.

Thanks /fit/, I've been getting pretty discouraged lately.
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