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Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
been on AAS for 2 weeks now ( my 4th "cycle" overall, in quotations bc i never came off, just blast and cruise).
atm aas on : test, eq,tren and masteron. orals : liquid anastrozole, pill form caber.
What i have in my arsenal for slin is : Vitargo, Cell tech, Creatine, glutamine, fat/sugar free protein, bcaa's.
will be taking Vitargo post insulin shot ( pretty much as soon as possible). having a combination of creatine,glutamine,protein, bcaa's... about 45 min. after the vitargo shake.
On hand i also have : 2 liter of coke, glucose tabs, Dextrose powder.
Do I Need Anything Else ??
if you have no knowledge about anabolics or slin this thread isn't for you.
I used to be on a 5 day one, but went home for the summer and the only gym open here is only open monday -> friday and from 8am to 3pm.
So I need a 4 day split with wednesday being the rest day so that I have an idea for what exercises to do and stuff so that I can modify it to suit me.
Anyone have any good examples?
what about chest/bi's, shoulders/tri's, back then legs?
>doing 5/3/1 >read John Broz & Jamie Lewis >stop following set routine, start back squatting five times per week, front squatting three, deadlifting three times per week >gains are the best I've seen since I started lifting >mfw overtraining is a myth
Why do you still believe in "overtraining," /fit/?
/fit/, I will always, and forever be a beta, no how matter alpha my body may be.
Green text for proof:
>Have a fat chick friend. Every man does. They're usually freakin' hilarious. >Have smoking hot girlfriend too. Am I alpha yet? >Find out girlfriend cheated on me over break with one of her ex boyfriends. We were together for almost 3 years. >Leave her and never look back. That's pretty alpha, right? >I'm pretty fucked up on the inside, but I don't show it on the outside. I act like I don't even fucking care. >Friends and family think I'm some kind of stone cold emotionless hard ass. Definitely alpha? >Fat chick friend and I go out on a friend date to a cheap Indian place. She sees through my facade. "Anon, I know you're hurting." >She's right. I'm struggling with self-worth and depression almost constantly. This relationship scarred me. >Look down at the table, and look back at her. She has the potential to be drop dead beautiful if she lost about 60 pounds. If she did she'd look like Katy Perry/Zoeey Deschanel. >”Anon, you know we’ve been friends for a long time. And…I really like you.” She said >Kept looking at her. She could be crazy hot if she lost weight. > I say “You know, there’s a beauty beneath all of that blubber”. It just came out. > Wat. What the fuck did I just say? Fuck. > She starts to tear up. “Anon, you’re a fucking pig.” She then stood up, and ran out of the restaurant in tears. > People around us are staring at me. One soccer mom is shaking her head at me. Old guy in the corner is laughing is ass off. > T-that’s alpha, right? > Sit there until both of our meals are delivered, and eat them both. It’s okay, I’m on a bulk, right? Alpha. >She texts me: “Don’t ever speak to me again.” Mfw this happened 30 minutes ago. Halp.