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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 136

No.19316983 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey fit, the brothers who bombed boston were fit. They didn't drink, or smoke. They practiced MMA, boxing, weight lifting, and a healthy lifestyle.

They couldn't live with tfw no gf no longer. Do you think they browsed fit?
51 posts and 12 images omitted

No.14973027 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
162 posts and 26 images omitted

No.15886389 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Op deleted the archaeologist thread. Here's his bitch.
177 posts and 30 images omitted


No.18723555 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I finally got sick of jogging. I made it up to doing 3 half marathons last week on hilly streets, clocking in around 1:54h without stopping at all, and I don't feel the endorphins flowing through my brain when I stop (but I am hungry as hell). My leg muscles don't ache the next day, either. HIIT sounds like it's the next step. Should I go the entire distance or should I shave a couple miles off to start? Any suggestions are appreciated.

No.18716268 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How's my routine, /fit/?

Doing 5/3/1. calculated 1 rep maxes:

OHP: 46kg = 101lbs
Deadlift: 111kg = 244lbs
Benchpress: 74kg = 163lbs
Squat: 93kg = 205lbs


OHP day:
>OHP (non-5/3/1)
>Front Barbell Raise
>Lying lateral raises (dumbbells)
>Arnold press

Deadlift day:
>Deadlift (non-5/3/1)

Benchpress day:
>Benchpress (non-5/3/1)
>Cable Standing Fly

Squat day:
>Squat (non-5/3/1)

all of these 5x10.

I'm thinking of adding a bicep/ab day because both of mine are shit. What do you think, /fit/?

reposted from last night, looking for another opinion
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No.18623709 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Sup /fit/, /jp/ here

I would like to know if it's possible getting ripped without leaving my house?
I'm a NEET and extremely autistic so I never leave my house and I'm too poor to build my own academy, so... is it possible to lift stuff like buckets filled with water instead of academy weights?

thanks for the help in advance love you all bros
314 posts and 82 images omitted

!GQ04xY.egc No.18617399 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
does /fit/ like me yet? I mean I've been around here quite some time.. zyzz though i was a sick cunt.. i try to help whenever possible.. also i post anon as a straight edge christian :) yes thats me..
44 posts and 13 images omitted

i don't feel like i'm being worked enough

No.18555242 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i started lifting two week, and i don't feel like i'm doing anything really? i dunno, but i feel it during the workout, and a little bit after, but i don't get sore really? and i'm not sure if i'm doing enough.

my routine looks like this:
squats 3x6
lateral raises 3x6
tricep extensions 3x6
pullups 3xfailure

deadlifts 3x6
bench press 3x6
curl 3x6
planks 3xfailure

should i add anything to this, like accessory wise? i feel like i burn through the workouts in only about a half hour and i'm not getting anything done. i'm overall goal here is just general, good aesthetics.

No.18542724 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

No.18523564 View ViewReplyOriginalReport


What the fuck is wrong with you americlaps?