Okay guys /fit/. Asking for advice on dis mofo. Been buying the same Weight gainer for 2 months now. This one:
http://www.gymnordic.com/kosttilskud/weightgainere/super-mass-gainer.html?___store=gn_en&___from_store=gn_daGo under ingredients to see nutrition facts. But they fucked up, and now have some strange taste I've never did before, like wtf, berries and cream. (Used chocolate before). But it's 5.44kg. I've thought about another one, this one:
http://www.bodylab.dk/shop/bodylab-weight-gainer-189p.htmlIt's 3 kg, got my taste, and has double the amount of protein per 150g serving and same kcals amount as the first one. Which one to buy? Just want some quick advice. /thread 'ing after some oppinions.
TL;DR Quality or Quantity, which one to buy, links and nutrition facts.
>inb4 Not asking for opinions on using weight gainers.