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Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
I've been training natty for 4.5+ years with varying degrees of success with varying routines. I've gone from 5'7'' 100 lbs after battling anorexia which me with problems that I deal with to this day, to 5'11'' 215 lbs @ 10% bodyfat. I've tried every routine in the book, I've tried 5x5, SS, 6 day a week high volume, 5 day a week high volume, 5 day a week low volume, layne norton's phat, the 5/3/1, madcow, sheiko, westside style stuff, other conjugate method based training, DC, dogg crap, IA's SPBR, my own modified madcows, my own monthly progressions, ed coan's deadlift routine, etc. There are probably more I haven't listed but you get the point. I've tried almost every pre workout on the market, every protein powder, most creatines, a few post workouts, fish oils, etc.
Point being, is after all this time, my lifts are s/b/d 475/345/650, and they're stalled, and have been for a while. I get 5k calories in a day (I track my diet) and 300 grams + of protein. At this point, I'm finally going to join the dark side and take superdrol tomorrow.
I want to FINALLY look as good as I deserve to after all this hard work I've put in, and after the superdrol is over I'm going to bridge to a test cycle (I have it ordered, but I want the gains for a cruise).
I'm running it 20/20/30/10 (10 on the cruise, no reason to rape my liver for no reason) then when I get back I"m running 6 weeks of test prop.
>tfw >dyel >manlet >bro >average korean gf >lickaroo >rate my cycle >progress >no gf >i hate fat people >cut or bulk? >penis size >some fat person did some fat thing >i read the sticky but... [insert fundamental fitness question]