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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 138

No.17915423 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Just had a breakthrough. If you're ever depressed, make sure you're not actually surrounded by assholes.
16 posts and 3 images omitted

!kiLL3Roj9Y No.17910798 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Let's have another one of these!
338 posts and 116 images omitted

No.17881177 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
someone in netherlands clal the police now a girl ais about to drown herself
111 posts and 9 images omitted

No.17839785 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Wish me luck /fit/.

I'll see you in 1 year.
27 posts and 3 images omitted

No.17829381 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You're in the club and this guy tears your girlfriend's asscheek off

Keep in mind he's 6ft tall and 486lbs

What do?
48 posts and 3 images omitted

No.17454200 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is this routine even remotely plausible? Basically everything 3x12.

Routine A: Upper Body
> Pull Ups 3x5
> Bicep Curl 3x12
> Bench 4x12
> Chin Ups 3x12
> Fly 3x12
> Barbell Curls 3x12

Routine B: Lower Body
> Leg Press 3x12
> Squats 3x12
> Leg Curls 3x12
> Eh

Trying to aim to go to the gym 4 times a week, 1 time from M-Th and 3 times F-Sun
1 post omitted

No.17829137 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
2 weeks into cut, Down to 92 from 95.

The problem is now I have absolutely no appetite, dont think I am getting sick, I am just sick of eating, even at eating only 2200 calories.

Anyone know ways to increase appetite or what is wrong with mine?

inb4 420 braze is
18 posts and 10 images omitted

No.17717890 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey guys, just figured I'd put this out there:

I've been training natty for 4.5+ years with varying degrees of success with varying routines. I've gone from 5'7'' 100 lbs after battling anorexia which me with problems that I deal with to this day, to 5'11'' 215 lbs @ 10% bodyfat. I've tried every routine in the book, I've tried 5x5, SS, 6 day a week high volume, 5 day a week high volume, 5 day a week low volume, layne norton's phat, the 5/3/1, madcow, sheiko, westside style stuff, other conjugate method based training, DC, dogg crap, IA's SPBR, my own modified madcows, my own monthly progressions, ed coan's deadlift routine, etc. There are probably more I haven't listed but you get the point. I've tried almost every pre workout on the market, every protein powder, most creatines, a few post workouts, fish oils, etc.

Point being, is after all this time, my lifts are s/b/d 475/345/650, and they're stalled, and have been for a while. I get 5k calories in a day (I track my diet) and 300 grams + of protein. At this point, I'm finally going to join the dark side and take superdrol tomorrow.

I want to FINALLY look as good as I deserve to after all this hard work I've put in, and after the superdrol is over I'm going to bridge to a test cycle (I have it ordered, but I want the gains for a cruise).

I'm running it 20/20/30/10 (10 on the cruise, no reason to rape my liver for no reason) then when I get back I"m running 6 weeks of test prop.

I hope its finally worth it guys.

No.17667431 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
does anyone have that A/B push pull routine pic? its a pretty popular one ive seen it on here before thinking of giving it a try

No.14455841 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
in case you missed /fit/ today, here's a recap

>average korean gf
>rate my cycle
>no gf
>i hate fat people
>cut or bulk?
>penis size
>some fat person did some fat thing
>i read the sticky but... [insert fundamental fitness question]
12 posts and 3 images omitted