With all the horror stories we get here we focus on the negative, and everyones view becomes extremely tainted. There are a lot of shitty women, but there are also plenty of stories about dudes with shitty guy friends, who bail on them and whatnot. Just people man, there are ones who are worth it and ones who arn't.
Fit always overgeneralises with all this alpha beta bullshit, eg, alpha to have an infinate string of one night stands untill you eventually die alone, beta to get devorced by some cheating cunt and loose everything because of dumb laws, like these are the only two possible outcomes to any relation with the opposite sex.
We forget we can be just as wretched, think of all the douches on here who brag about cheating, or getting with some drunk whore behind her boyfriend's back (things I've done and am not proud of). Yet we hold them to some higher standard. Everyone, either gender, gets fucked around and broken, we're just experiencing it from a male perspective, and trying to harden ourselfs to it out of insecurity and some kind of pre-emptive protection.
Remember that we, as well of most of these girls we deal with, are all pretty young, in our 20s, and are still doing silly shit, figuring ourselves out, and sometimes that involves fucking others over.
I've met some fascinating girls, who are in control of themselves beyond their instincts, as well as plenty of sluts who will always just belong to the most charming guy in the room. Don't pigeon hole, judge everyone individually on their own merits.
They're just people
>>14701292this is exactly what I'm aiming for