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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 147

No.14374819 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
80 year old man jumps from 56 ft

...and takes around 2 hours swimming back to the shore. He doesn't drink water nor take a proper freshwater bath for over 50 years, and his diet consists only of tropical fruits.
watch it from 1:00

>you mirin' ?
15 posts and 2 images omitted

No.14293540 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Okay /fit/ this is a topic that is rarely covered but sometimes mentioned in threads as advice

I never did sports so I dunno what are really good stretches to do to increase flexibility for lifting.
Is there any books I can download or routines I can do?

>Inb4 do yoga
Why pay for someone to teach me when that info is probably freely available.
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No.14306331 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have kind of a random question, my piss seems to be alot more yellow than my roommates, he can piss in the toilet 3 times before it even changes color and I go once and its almost orange

do some people have darker urine?
12 posts omitted

No.14269568 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi /fit/

Since losing weight is just about counting and burning calories.. Why shouldn't I just eat between 500-1000 calories a day?.. I don't do much during the week which is why I have gained weight since I started my new job (I only need to work weekends now) the rest of my job during the week just requires me driving into the city like twice a week......

Downsides to this? I'm sure feeling a bit sluggish will be one but I'm ft I already know that feel.. And I could be eating a lot just of good things broccoli etc to keep my calories a dy extremely low..

What think?

Also, is it better to stretch before or after exercise?
9 posts omitted

No.14156024 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What kinds of things are good for building punch strength?

The obvious thing to say is bench-pressing, but I have no idea if that's true.
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No.14131608 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone got a picture of a strong back that is not flexed ?
And at what stage do your traps look yoked not tensed
12 posts and 4 images omitted

No.14126702 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>tfw you're done with today's workout and can sit on your ass for the rest of the night with a clear conscience
19 posts and 3 images omitted

!ccN9z1j67U No.14112909 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
its that time again brah, what I'm going to show you now, is something...epic

find a flaw, I DARE YA.
180 posts and 39 images omitted

No.14115123 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

Ask a forum moderator anything.

No.14101966 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Ask a forum moderator anything.

For legal, personal and private issues I will refrain from posting or answering questions regarding or relating to my username or the staff forums.
279 posts and 59 images omitted