>>61623942>SARMs are the future you meathead roiders. Why would you refuse to talk about them here? Enjoy your enlarged prostates and your enlarged hearts you tiny ball autists.Problem with SARMs is they are a new technology that is still in the development phase. They are man made weird chemicals so they do weird and unpredictable things like S4 causing blindness. There's no long term human trials and most the things that trickle down to the markets we can reach are all stuff that was discontinued for good reasons. Sometimes the side effects of these things are not even known or published and only the sort of underground grapevine gets word of it about and can take years to be well known after idiots have been dosing.
Much of the SARMs marketing is bullshit. Claiming magical powers and no sides all the time even though many of them are heavily suppressive or can have disturbing side effects as bad or worse than normal cycles.
Test has had decades of medical trials, prescription use by the millions and athletic and underground use. It's something the body can naturally handle with predictable results and sides. There's well worked out cycles from trial and error.
With SARMs you are playing russian roulette and you don't even know how many bullets or chambers are in the gun or how many times you've pulled the trigger.
Maybe in 20 years they will be the tits and we'll have something that makes muscle, tendons and bones stronger and no sides somehow, but right now it's in the "I hope you're being paid well to be this labrat, son" territory.
Even worse is the issue of trusting manufacturers, suppliers and people having to test quality at home with endlessly changing research chems.