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>NEWish Snake Man Interview>What is /fast/?Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting.
>WATCH THIS BEFORE ASKING STUPID QUESTIONS you're at it watch the rest of this guy's videos on nutrition.
>WHY SHOULD I FAST?>Weight loss>Better skin>Autophagy>WHAT IS AUTOPHAGY?It's when your body takes apart useless, shitty cells. (Cancer cells, cells with broken protein, acne, loose skin, etc)>FASTING FUCKS TUMOR GROWTH>HOW DO I SAFELY FAST?>take around 4700 mg of potassium per day max>2000 up to 3000 mg of sodium per day max>MIX THIS INTO AT LEAST A LITER OF WATER, sip it through the day. This will keep you hydrated.>HERES WHY YOU ARENT ACTUALLY HUNGRY IF YOU HAVE MORE THAN 8% BODYFAT>WHAT SHOULD MY FASTING ROUTINE LOOK LIKE?If you're lean, 5:2!-- OMAD (one meal a day, 1-2 hour eating window) 5 days a week + 48 hour fast a week
If you're a fatass, FAST UNTIL YOU AREN'T.
>WONT I GO INTO STARVATION MODE AND DIE?!You don't have the willpower to fast to death. Now look down. See that large bulbous gut? That's food. Thousands and thousands of calories stored and ready to be consumed by your body.
>WONT I LOSE MUSCLE?This is the coolest part about fasting. Your body remains very anabolic when you fast."Our results suggest that a fasting program in conjunction with resistance training can decrease fat mass, and maintain muscle mass in resistance-trained males."
>Sugar is more addictive than coke