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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 56
Is trap semen nutritious?
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>>55208250 You don't wanna feel their balls slapping your gooch while they're fucking you?
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>>55208278 OK I know I said I didn't want sauce but not knowing is keeping me awake.
I’m getting desperate bros. Menards is essential but gym equipment isn’t.
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>>55066730 >price gouging fucks Mate, you're thinking of Lowe's. Menards tend to be cheaper than the other two.
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>>55061861 based, but where
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>>55064586 That looks cool. Did you just feed a rope through the concrete as it was setting? Wrap it in a hose for a better grip?
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>>55061535 >using a lightweight substance >tfw so titanium weights Anonymous
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Asalaamualaikum brother, Mashallah brother you have made some great gains, friendly reminder that in order to succeed in this life we must keep the notion of Allah in our hearts, Allah gives and takes as he pleases and verily brother we must remember the name of Allah and thank him for our gains. Wallah brother you must stay away from Haram deeds, do not simply rub yourself until fluid comes out, do not indulge in Zina and instead lay with your wives, if this is not possible brother then lay with your concubines. Brother it is important in these times to stay clean and purified, perform ablutions before and after your strength building exertions and after every set say Subhan'Allah, verily Allah will guide you on the true path. Jazakhallah Khairun my Khalifs
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>>55042774 >About having multiple wives yes
>and buttfucking underage girls no
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"One of the earliest reports come from the Andalucian chronicler Ibn Idhari in his Al-Bayan al-Mughrib. In it, Ibn Idhari describes the moment when Uqba reached the Atlantic Ocean, where he allegedly said, "O God, if the sea had not prevented me, I would have galloped on for ever like Alexander the Great, upholding your faith and fighting the unbelievers!" Pic related is Uqba ibn Nafi, his descendants now live in modern day Chad, he is the founder of Chadian Islam
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>>55042774 >having multiple wives is now bad >thinking islam allows sodomy ...yikes, found the christ-cuck.
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cringe mods removed based thread
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>always messing with my ear, sticking in q-tips cause it feels good >start to lose hearing in ear last week, followed by ear infection yesterday, which got so bad it spread into my jaw >create a homemade ear toilet plunger using a pair of headphones and start plunging in >this comes out It’s very hard and smells like a wet bandaid. What could be the cause of this?
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>>55031288 he probably cant even hear your reply
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>>55029353 Those hands have never seen work
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Had the same problem years ago... First things first. All of that is no joke.......! I visited doc after doc and all that happend was cleaning and some antibiotics. Helped two weaks and everything started from the beginning. After a while I started to make this nose decompressing where your ears gone plopp... Like people in an airplane. This helped my ( sorry for my english) upper parts of the nose to become free and release the secret that comes from the ears. This was the cause of my infection. The secreat can`t rinse out like it should .. I started to clean my ears with warm water to get rid of all that shit and I have no more problems since then. I use a nose shower (hope you know what I mean) to keep that upper nose place free and clean. No Q tipps......
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Oh I forgot.. This decrompessing is now part of my daily life it becom a routine.
Not bad for 37 right?
How did this woman end up on a mongolian stone lifting forum
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>>55007545 Lol where does she belong then?
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>>55007421 >>55007476 This is like the opposite thot, she's all upperbody, no leg definition.
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Why’d this get deleted :(
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>get over a whore after getting cucked >tfw she randomly texts "I miss you"
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>>38935004 >believing this doesn't happen in real life weapon-class autism
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>>38925771 Thanks for the rec anon
I want to make the rowing machine the main part of my workout. I use the Concept 2. Now the rowing machine uses a lot of muscles but not all of them. So what lifts should I add so I get a full body workout? All my lifts are at novice level if that makes a difference.
>>54787043 squat bench press and overhead press
>>54787090 Do you think I should do them on the same day that I row? I've squatted after rowing and my legs are sore, can only complete one set. Maybe instead of 3 days of rowing and lifting I could row for 30 minutes for 3 days and lift for 2 days? Or would that be too much?
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>>54787992 dude just get a boat and start rowing
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Du brukte all denne tiden på å gjøre vanskelig research for å finne ut alt du vil vite om dette spillet, nå er det viktig å ikke bare glemme alt du lærte og falle inn i de gamle kjente spillmønstrene dine. Utfør det meste av arbeidet du la i demomodus, og sørg for at du tar med deg det du fikk til dine ekte pengespill . Det kan bare hjelpe deg å vinne i det lange løp.
somebody measured me with a tape measure and i was 5'9. but when i went to the doctors and got measure (i had my shoes off).i was measured 5'10.5. which is true?
What the fuck what the fuck What the FUCK BROOO all of your ancestors got laid, thats literally one bazillion guys, and now just because you lack 3 fucking milimeters of bone you will never seed and feed? What the fuck? Ever heard of the word compensation? Leave this hellhole for your own good
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>>54757725 yeah I've heard of the word compensation,i need to compensate for my autism with my height.
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>>54757725 yes I've heard of compensation i need to compensate for my autism with my height
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>>54757498 literally no one give a fuck, be like everyone else
Why arent you doing Yoga Anons?? 184cm 78kg. Should i go back to lifting?
Trying cut while I can still make newb gains. Last time I weighed myself was 164.8 (5'10) with 15.9% body fat. Stopped taking creatine a few days ago so I guess a few pounds of water weight will come off soon. Do I have decent frame? Lifting has changed my mental state from trying just to be healthy and not look like shit, to wanting to become fucking Broly.
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>>54692742 You've got a box frame. Go hard to build shoulders and traps to balance it out. Don't work obliques too much/at all
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>>54692921 hahahahaha based
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>>54688091 How’re you feeling for it man? Been doing much cardio or just stuck to rolling?
Did you get a date for this Valentine's day?
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>>54429359 hnnnng the pits
Mel Lastman
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>>54429518 do you live in a movie?
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No I’ve never had a date. I’ll be at my grandmas house for the weekend I’m gonna wake up and eat some pain meds then hang out and watch movies or something until lunch time then I’ll probably eat some more pain meds and a Xanax and make some lunch or order from this BBQ place by her house that has a really good sauce I like on brisket then I’ll smoke some weed and take another Xanax and go to bed