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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 70

No.46579873 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
When the nether beast drama was going on, everyone was saying that in the 800 squat clip you could see the reverse bands on the wall.

Can someone please show me where these are?

No.34469307 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why are girls so mean, /fit/? Especially the ones that lift.
346 posts and 53 images omitted

No.46469203 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/fit/ approved watches
ill start
40 posts and 17 images omitted

No.46452034 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What lifting accessories would you say have greatly helped your progression? I only use lifting straps and they have been a game changer.
24 posts and 3 images omitted

No.46448554 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
how do u lose flabby skin?

I went from 25% to 16% and have flabby stomach.

Chipotle Thread

No.46448695 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What would /fit/ order from chipotle?
What is the healthiest item you can get from this place?
3 posts and 1 image omitted

Do you regret not talking weight training in highschool?

No.46448929 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
13 posts and 3 images omitted

No.46449472 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it possible to build a nice looking body without deadlifting? I have a fucked up lower back
13 posts omitted