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>>35847646 >husbando edition
I'll be helping everyone as much as possible <3
>Useful pictures >Recommended program for beginners: >Basic rules-of-thumb:
4-6 reps for main barbell lifts
6-8 reps for ancillary barbell lifts
8-12 reps for assistance dumbbell/cable lifts
>3 days per week:
full-body routines (AxBxAxx BxAxBxx or AxAxAxx)
>4 days per week:
Pull-push-legs + fullbody (PPLxFxx or LPPxFxx or FxPPLxx etc)
Upper-lower splits (ULxULxx)
>5 days per week:
Pull-push-legs + upper-lower (PPLxULx or ULxPPLx etc)
Work every muscle group at least 2 times per week
Push = chest/front & lateral delts/triceps
Pull = back/biceps/rear delts
Legs = legs/posterior chain
>Just because an exercise involves pulling, doesn't mean it belongs on pull day. Divide it accordingly to the correct muscle group. For example, lateral raises belong on push day.
These are just basic rules-of-thumb!
Remember that you are supposed to have fun and enjoy doing your routine, so do the stuff that you enjoy doing!