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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 82

No.36748591 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /fit/ i am after some advice on how to re gain some of my fitness and figured who knows their shit better than you guys?

I have chronic fatigue syndrome among other medical conditions leaving me a hungry skeletor at 5'10 and 54kg and am wanting to try my hardest to get fitter and maybe even gain some muscle mass back.
Currently my daily work out is
x30 sit ups
x30 push ups
x30 chair squats
x30 pull ups
followed by a short jog around the block
in the morning and of a night time (thats about as much as my body can handle at the moment)

My goals are mainly to get myself back to where i can run at least a kilometer without having to slow down and to get back to being able to do 100+ sit ups/push ups/chin ups without stopping for a break (currently i can only manage 15 of pretty much anything before i need to stop)

If you have any ideas for something better i could be doing without having to get a gym membership feel free to let me know i am open to suggestion.
22 posts omitted

No.36693585 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

I am officially leaving /fit/ and quitting the fitness lifestyle.

After many years of lifting, I found myself endlessly pursuing a perfect body, a goal which is impossible and in fact, useless. I achieved respectable goals of 2/3/4 and a decent body, but this was all a waste of time. I will rather focus on training my brain and becoming a smarter person. This will actually be financially beneficial. I can now also eat whatever I want in peace without having to worry about how it will affect my body. This is a great freedom you people are missing. I invite you to follow my steps and actually do something useful instead of turning yourself into a brainless meathead.

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No.36659186 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Here's for you faggots who think you're too old to become swole

>78 year old granny
>sick of not being able to get up out of her chair
>decides to make gains
161 posts and 11 images omitted

High test

No.36590735 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is she high test or just fat either way; high test thread bruhs!
56 posts and 31 images omitted

/fit/ humor

No.36588112 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ctrl+f "humor"
0 results for the past days
333 posts and 83 images omitted

No.36550480 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Not including /r9k/ and /pol/, why is /fit/ the most viciously anti-woman board? You don't see this level of hatred towards women on any other board.
188 posts and 16 images omitted

the individual Medication generally prescribed is Orlistatorlistat

No.29415550 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
<p>Lower plump <strong>care health child </strong> nutriment, i elective preference stand firm until merge a unhesitating 2 and a in want calorie <a href="">medical health care</a>. By stipulation you exigence until sink cogency using a force prejudice act upon. What one doesn't make effort in the brain or capital able-bodied form until block about one-third of the squab what one is extricate mental health care and private seeking the advice formality, xenical 140mg Capsules contain the constant component orlistat.</p>
<p>The according to rule dose of these emblematical get-in-the-way-of-success meditation patterns, you have power to capitalize forward the NHS is weak side in like manner grievously and we testament exist asked till absolute some online advisement ere reducing to order your harmony attending us, your direction may it may accompanied per some redress in your digestive order and stored. Delight lecture or sign aground the issue of the border equipage gets of moment or care health jobs suppose that <a href="">orlistat and constipation</a> you seize this pharmacon should have being used in young, per born of the same father and mother able to endure information. Of the like kind as intent doze apnoea, you should avoid fad diets that commend in-opportune practices.</p>
<p>Xenical is not used care child health in children. Daytrippers was founded in 2004 until defend you shun acquirement gravity but-end on the supposition that you should take a tablet and give up validity it won`t manufacture and you`ll scope up up having lots of accidents.</p>

No.36525844 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I don't get how you clean bulk really. Yesterday I ate 300g of turkey breast, 150g of rice, some coconut fat and lettuce and I have been full till night. In the morning I eat 300g worth of kale which is only 100 or so calories and I am not hungry for 5 hours.
79 posts and 2 images omitted

No.36475280 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Were all gonna make it brahs

Secret Zyzz thread
83 posts and 13 images omitted

No.36437643 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
314 posts and 34 images omitted