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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 87

Progress Thread

No.34765591 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I went from a weak 3/10 to a solid 8/10
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No.34676624 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
QTDDTOT thread!

is this Ricky 2 trillion scoops piano before the tats? I googled his name to some find some pics and this showed up.
289 posts and 36 images omitted

No.34634903 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, Honest question here.

Why would anyone want to be thin and weak. I literally do not get the point of hypertrophy training; I am a (pic related) 6'6 and 300 pound oly lifter from who is probably going to the olympics next year. I could be ripped if I wanted but I've decided to be strong instead.

One of the main reasons why people want to get ripped is because of girls and I have no problem getting girls at all, I've slept with over 20 different women this year alone. Health issues? My cholesterol, sugar and blood pressure are all at optimal levels and I can run 5km in 23 minutes. I literally feel nothing but disgust for roiders and aesthetics focused manlets who need to make up for their insecurities. I can do a 365 pound clean and jerk and a 300 pound snatch. How many of you have numbers that even APPROACH my numbers? didn't think so. Enjoy being weak manlets, see you in Rio.
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No.34541477 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
63 posts and 6 images omitted

FPH private subreddit

No.32444242 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I'm a member of fatpeoplehate and they have a private subreddit for verified users only.

What does /fit/ think of these examples of hard work and discipline?
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No.32739941 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do I become truly strong

Everyone at my gym is deadlifting like 4 plates
I need to get to 6 plates but as a lean guy like boardshorts or candito
What program should I be on if I'm deadlifting 4plate for 5 reps?

>exercising for weight loss

No.32694442 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.32685272 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
No /fit/ humor thread? Let's fix that.

Also, can somebody post those Bill memes that were circulating a while back? The main one was a pic on facebook of a banana removing it's own peel, and a guy commenting "I really, really like this picture", and getting the response "save it! It's all yours!" There were a tonne of them, and my new phone doesn't have them.

Anyway, humor thread, GO!
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No.32639909 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This girl who likes me and I were getting it on, but she kissed another guy when drunk and is now texting me apologies and stuff. I still wanna fuck though because im still a virgin. I basically got cucked, what do /fit/?

Also what is your favourite lift

No.32640204 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
High protein diet is dangerous in the long term.

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