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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 90

No.28457841 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
hello, /fit/.
four days ago i started taking Solgar VM-75 vitamins, which is supposed to be a daily dose of multivitamins. since i started taking them i have been feeling dizzy and light headed, and even had a monster headache that laster for a whole day and wouldn't go away even after taking painkillers (which usually make the headaches go away).

what i wonder is, is this normal? i tried googling but found no feedback or response i would call legit. have you had similar experiences with multivitamins?

if you are curious to know what's in these pills here is the link, as i admit not being very well educated when it comes to vitamin supplements, etc..

( Day #7, DNP Diary, 250mg a day )

No.16921176 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
( Day #7, DNP Diary, 250mg a day )
- I'm 18 years old, 5'10" tall & 20% body-fat.
- Starting: 84kg | Current: 78kg | Goal: 70kg
- 3rd of January to the 31st.
- 1350-1450 calories per day.

Day #7:

Hey everyone, in my last diary entry I said that I felt like the effects of DNP were dissipating or diminishing but I was completely wrong.

I guess I had a lucky day because last night I slept in an air conditioned room with a fan going & I woke up about 3-4 times covered in sweat & I found it very irritating, I still feel noticeable heat radiating off my body so the DNP is definitely working to the fullest as of today.

I also said in the last thread that I'd be starting a much higher-carb diet but after doing some brief research & speaking with a few people I've decided not to be too serious about macros whilst under DNP as it mostly comes down to calories.

I'm going to keep within my calorie limits, keep my protein, fibre & carbs moderate & fats slightly lower. I really believe macros aren't going to make a huge difference whilst under DNP.

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DNP Thread

No.28156071 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Old one 404'd

New DNP Thread
302 posts and 16 images omitted


No.22795958 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Where do you guys get your DNP? I don't think there's a dealer at my gym. Not that kind of dealer, anyway.
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No.23763516 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /fit/ I have this weird workout problem and was wondering if any of you might know what the deal is.

So whenever I do intense lower ab workouts I start feeling like I'm going to cum. And oddly enough if I keep going at it long enough I do cum. It is one of the weirdest and most annoying things, I can't ever get a good lower ab workout because I start to feel like I'm going to cum so I have to stop. What the fuck is going on? Any ideas? I'm a dude btw.
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No.29307564 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
do you think it's worth it to roid and get crazy aesthetic? i haven't done roids but i've done some SARMs cycles and DNP (but don't do DNP kids because it damages your nerves even if you don't get any pain in the nerves at first). i look pretty cool with my broad shoulders and grills are mirin as fuck. on my last LGD-4033 + Ostarine cycle half a year ago i looked like a straight sick cunt, maybe even on par with jeff seid. now i'm thinking about running more LGD-4033 + Ostarine and also experimenting with the new ACE-083 myostatin inhibitor. but i'm also thinking "for what purpose". i don't think i really need it and i'm also a bit worried that LGD-4033 will make me "too masculine" and "ugly" (LGD-4033 is very anabolic in the bones including the bones in the face). so is it worth it?
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No.28856905 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Super srs question...

>Is natty bodybuilding/lifting really a thing? much as I browse /fit/, most of the goal physiques everyone wants aren't achievable natty. They just aren't. It's gotten to the point these supp companies have pushed their agenda and garbage down everyone else's throats to where people believe


You'll look like Zyzz or Jeff or _(insert next big name here)__. It's not going to happen. There's a rule.


Pick 2. This is not coming from a hater who "durr lifts for 3 years, no results, screams it can't be done natty", this is from someone who's educated themselves on roids and realizes that even those that don't look like the fuck-huge bb'ers, are probably still roiding.

Please educate yourselves on roid usage. In moderation and the right diet, you'll never see a negative side-effect. And it only takes 2 cycles for you to keep 70%< of it.
302 posts and 48 images omitted

No.29332439 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
thoughts about todays Googles doodle?
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No.29321528 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.29294656 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post or it will happen
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