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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 98

No.27951745 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT: Facial aesthetics thread

Muscles won't help you if your face looks like shit.

pic related me a 9/10
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No.13747219 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>implying you would have this as your wife
102 posts and 32 images omitted

No.27888658 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do i get rid of bacne /fit/?
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No.26210195 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Implying learning how to be a strong man mentally as well isn't related.

Let us make an end to the >tfwnogf curse.

Read the book:
>The Manual: What women wants and how to give it them them.

I've read it twice now. It is a no-nonsense book, no pua crap, just basic biology and explanations of how and why the current generation of men are so incapable of attracting women (basically because they are acting like women themselves).
Basically, it want to teach you to become a Man. Attraction is like magnets, feminine vs. masculine behaviour.

I have compiled notes, and main points from the book and some of my own work too:

Not looking for props or shit, I just want to lead you faggots to a better life. Don't like it? Fine, sage my ass.

Oh and google account is unique for that doc, feel free to waste your time hacking it.
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No.27706494 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
207 posts and 23 images omitted

No.27818976 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
When I am not on this stuff I find myself driving to 7-11 to score junk food.

When I am on this stuff I find myself driving to the gym.
7 posts omitted

/DNP/ Yellow Poison General

No.27748122 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport


- DNP is by far the most potent fat loss agent available. Nothing even comes close to comparing. Not clen, alb, EC, yohimbine, nothing.
- DNP is by far the most dangerous drug available to dieters.
- DNP increases your metabolism. One animal study showed a 64% increase in metabolism. The rate of metabolic increase is dose dependent. Formula: (dose/10)%, after full saturation.
- The primary side effect is heat. Another notable side effect is lethargy. The intensity of the heat, sweating, and lethargy is dose dependent.
- If you overdose, you will absolutely 100% positively die.
- DNP allows you to lose 1lb of pure fat every 1-3 days depending upon your dose.
154 posts and 13 images omitted

/DNP/ Yellow Poison General

No.27765510 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

- DNP is by far the most potent fat loss agent available. Nothing even comes close to comparing. Not clen, alb, EC, yohimbine, nothing.
- DNP is by far the most dangerous drug available to dieters.
- DNP increases your metabolism. One animal study showed a 64% increase in metabolism. The rate of metabolic increase is dose dependent. Formula: (dose/10)%, after full saturation.
- The primary side effect is heat. Another notable side effect is lethargy. The intensity of the heat, sweating, and lethargy is dose dependent.
- If you overdose, you will absolutely 100% positively die.
- DNP allows you to lose 1lb of pure fat every 1-3 days depending upon your dose.
22 posts omitted

No.18524253 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've emailed dhacks several times and have yet to receive the price list or any reply? Am I missing something?
38 posts and 2 images omitted

No.14287642 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Guys I run a thinspo blog and "sensual curves" followed me and liked all my personal pics. Fattie forever ? sadface.

pic related. "sensual curves"
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