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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 102

No.367350 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Embarassing/weird/fucked up things from history and from people

For example "xy emperor liked to fuck dogs in the ass"

You get the idea
220 posts and 33 images omitted

How did the ancient Greeks train?

No.385717 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
It is well known that the ancient Greeks were very fit, but there is a lot of controversy over how they trained.

How did they train? Obviously this didn't have barbells and such. How did they get such a massive core (pic related)?

While some may believe that /fit/ would be a better board to post this, I feel like /his/ would have more information to weigh in on the subject.
95 posts and 14 images omitted

No.350587 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why is academia littered with Marxist "philosphers" but so few Maxist economists?
75 posts and 5 images omitted

No.343954 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
ITT: the three things in history you would change if you could.
>Byzantium wouldn't fall to the Turks
>Scotland and England wouldn't unite
253 posts and 31 images omitted

Why is English Germanic?

No.339115 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
If you look at all the other parts of western europe that Rome occupied they all speak romance languages? Why in britain did the native celtic and invading germanic languages survived? Why is it i'm not typing this in some sort of welsh/anglo-saxon influenced romance language?
50 posts and 3 images omitted

ID:MEvnb0Hy No.4063 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Gensokyo general

Buddhist, Taoist or Shinto?


ID:ZrO/WYZm No.2 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
180 posts and 81 images omitted

/his/tory vidya

No.132737 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post actual good /his/torical vidya

>Total War: Shogun 2
>Command armies of Japanese daimyo
>Fight, conquer, or use diplomacy to unify Japan
>Historic battles
>Online mode

>inb4 assCreed
no one wants to play that ubishit
243 posts and 39 images omitted

No.77468 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is your opinion on "post-modern" philosophy? Does new-age feminism (example: there must be X number of females in the work force) have a place? Will it last? What is it's future?
23 posts and 2 images omitted

Hitler was a fucking idiot

ID:n7wAK0SH No.1033 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
who killed people based on actions that other people from their 'group' were 'responsible' for.
240 posts and 14 images omitted