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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 21

Rutka Laskier

No.15188449 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>born on the same day as Anne Frank (I'm not even exaggerating, they were literally born on the exact same day mere hours apart)
>keeps a secret diary while living under Nazi occupation like Anne Frank
>99% of it is about touching her vagina and fantasizing about giving birth like Anne Frank
>gets sent to Auschwitz and dies like Anne Frank (albeit she died a year earlier)
>diary is discovered and published by her surviving family to international acclaim
>literally hailed as the "Polish Anne Frank"

Incredibly shitty writing on the part of the Jewish propagandists or just an extremely convenient (((coincidence))))?
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No.15175241 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why didn't Mexico counter-attack during the Mexican-American war? Why did they just sit there and take the invasion without hitting back at the US directly? Like, why didn't they send an expedition to seize southern Alabama or something in order to force the Americans to pull back and defend their own land? This seems like an obvious move.
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No.15171894 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is Zionism?
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Does anyone else share a birthday with a famous historical tragedy

No.15171526 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Mine doesn’t really count because my sixth birthday was the day 2012ers thought the world was going to end
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No.15167868 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What does "true Capitalism" look like?
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No.15135617 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Borreby and other Beaker-like WSH people had brachycephalia although they did not spread this phenotype and the britons and scandis they invaded kept their doli-meso skulls despite overwhelming male replacement (in britain) and modest replacement in scandinavia. Thus Brachy men select for doli women in Europe or vice versa.
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No.15110408 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It was nice of G-D to show us where Daniel the prophet and Son of man Ezekiel hid the Tabernacle of G-D for the endtime.

No.15097170 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Should Southern Europeans be considered white?
To me, most of them look like sand people, which makes sense because their countries were continually invaded and raped by that lot throughout history. I find it hard to tell them apart, personally.
When I look at a Spaniard, Greek, or Italian in my land, my instinct is to view them in the same way I do Muslims or any other shitskin. I see them as invaders encroaching on my territory, rather than someone I could ever consider kin.
They all have black hair and black eyes, which in my view, is basically God's signal for non-white, someone wicked and vile, not to be trusted, sub-human basically.
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No.15080836 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I'm on volume 2 and we're delving into something called "the cotton factor", essentially the cotton middleman in the mississipi delta, the cotton factor would sell all the implements of cotton farming to plantation owners, including black slaves, mostly on credit, and would store vast amounts of cotton in warehouses speculating on cotton prices

if you look at it in terms of modern farming where the middleman in many goods basically taking none of the risk in the fields, but through his jewish connections internationally in new york, london, the carribean and so on controlled all commerce, or in restaurants where the corporate office has a central office and then franchisees are all working for the central office

is it a surprise that based on the insular nature of the jewish community that all of these people were jewish

jewish peddlers many which were fresh immigrants from europe were supplied with a line of credit and goods from prominent new york and baltimore wholesalers and firms, they were then told exactly where to set up shop so as not to disturb other jews in the network and cut into his profit, over 90 percent of general stores, department stores, and grocery stores were operated by jews who accounted for 1 percent of the white population

many prominent department stores actually come from this period, sears, macys as well as banks like lehman brothers

general grant even banned jews from his union camps and places in the general vicinity, as they were known to deal in military intelligence for the south

the entire jewish economic prowess was build on the slave trade, and only 1 rabbi in the entire country was against slavery, and was then banished from his own congregation
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No.15076088 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What were the most pussified legal systems in history?
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