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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 52

Was iran never conquered?

No.10164108 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
According to this Persian article, Alexander the Macedonian's invasion of Iran is history's biggest lie. They claim Alexander couldn't have conquered Iran.حمله-اسکندر-مقدونی-به-ایران-بزرگترین-د/

>حمله اسکندر مقدونی به ایران بزرگترین دروغ در تاریخ

How true is this?
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No.8248530 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You will recall I extensively refuted Dr. Kaffir's two most popular image collections here

He has many more. Often filled with simple things everyone knows are false ("Allah is a moon god"), other times filled with things no one really cares about ("He condemned idolatry, the pagans were the victims!") I was going to go through it all but those two prominent factors have not made it a productive use of my time. Instead I will focus on one pic with worthwhile topics and if anyone has questions about what else he said, feel free to ask itt

Here is a /lit/ Islamic discord in case you're interested

Now without further Ado

He shows very early on he is no expert, but in fact has no clue what he is talking about. The Sunnah means “wont”, specifically the “wont” of the Prophet ﷺ, which includes everything from judgements to eating habits. He used google or wikipedia for a quick rundown but doesn’t actually know the meaning of the words he is using. The Sunnah and the Seerah are both described by Hadiths, which are statements. The Sunnah has legal ramifications, so it must have much stronger Hadiths. The Seerah has no legal ramification except where it overlaps the Sunnah, so there is more flexibility in Hadiths, generally how scholars go about it is using a combination of Hadiths and historical chronicles; the best Seerah available in one volume is The Sealed Nectar, it is much nore rigorous than, say, Ling’s.

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Ottoman empire

No.10506349 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
As a turk living in Germany I feel the same as my ancestors did when they settled at the border of the byzantine empire in modern day turkey. They were in hostile white territory but their bravery let to conquering all that white land.
Is living in Germany as a turk equivalent to that?
Alp Arslan and Oghuz Khan are smiling at me right?
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No.10377463 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>still no good show about Aztecs
>no good movie
>no good game
>no copious amount of food porn
Guess I'm stuck playing American Conquest until Tlatoani comes out.
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No.10477848 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Historically speaking when did haplogroups become a part of historical discourse? How did people debate before them?
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No.8449369 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have concluded in my research of one hour and 30 minutes that /his/ is the best forum on 4chan.

Pic related
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No.10418049 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What are some high quality /his/ youtubers?
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No.10423324 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ancient of days Hindus and Jews, Catholics and Christians, Muslims and
Mormons were just Druids and Wiccans in Ancient of days past, Why?
Daniel the prophet red wine or Ezekiel the Son of man white wine?
8 posts omitted

No.10313414 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Learn History
>Become Anti-Communist KMTboo

Anyone else?
332 posts and 82 images omitted

No.10395254 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why can't people accept the ABO BVLL is the true father of Eurasia?
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