>>9615501>>9614257https://brill.com/view/title/21250Mapping the Old Zhuang Character Script: A Vernacular Writing System from Southern China
https://catalog.princeton.edu/catalog/6115050Zhuang history and culture : an introductory study / Jin Li ; English editors Reg Cusick & Sharon Tan.
>>9615507>>9614263>>9614121https://yuki.la/his/8119566Xi'an city is a Han city with a Muslim quarter. The Hui Muslims of Xi'an lived in Xi'ans Muslim quarter since at least the start of the Ming dynasty. The people of Xi'an traditionally have not participated in any conflicts during the Qing dynasty. Gansu Hui Muslim Ming loyalists under Mi Layin and Ding Guodong fought against the Qing from 1646-1650. A Manchu banner quarter was established in Xi'an on the site of a former Ming prince's palace after Manchus were relocated from their home to garrison quarters in cities south of the Great Wall.
During the Dungan rebellion of the 1860s, the Hui Muslims of Xi'an were the only Hui in southern Shaanxi who did not join the rebellion. As a result Xi'an never fell to the rebels. Shaanxi Hui rebels outside of Xi'an who redefected back to the Qing were not allowed to go back to Shaanxi so they were resettled in Gansu to live along with Gansu Hui rebels like Ma Anliang who defected back.
However in 1911, the when anti-Qing revolutionaries reached Xi'an in the Xinhai revolution, both the Han and Hui Muslims of Xi'an joined the revolt. As the revolutionaries surrounded the Manchu quarter of Xi'an on three sides, the tens of thousands of Manchus attempted to escape from the fourth side. They found that the Hui Muslims of Xi'an's Muslim quarter blocked the entire fourth side. An orgy of arson, looting, massacre and rape against the Manchu population of Xi'an began.