They did even worse to the Poles. Poles defended Vienna from the Muslims with their dying empire (polish lithuanian commonwealth). Not even 100 years later Germans were trying to war with them. They partitioned Poland with the Russians 3 times and completely abolished the entire state and started forcing Poles off their land and ethnic cleansing, not allowing Poles to own property.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drzyma%C5%82a%27s_wagonEven Otto von Bismarck hated them and said in a private letter:
>"Hit the Poles so hard that they despair of their life; I have full sympathy for their condition, but if we want to survive we can only exterminate them."Naziboos allege that "POLES WERE KILLING ETHNIC GERMANS IN GERMAN TERRITORY!!". The 'death counts' come from the Goebbels ministry of propaganda and the "bloody sunday" event where Poles started killing Germans happened AFTER the invasion of Poland. Even if they were right and Poles were slaughtering Germans in these "German lands", don't you think they were justified considering the Germans did the SAME EXACT THING TO THEM?
So the senseless violence in Dresden, and the "German" land being given away after ww1 was really just revenge. If you accept that Germany won those lands fair and square and that bombing civilian targets of little strategic importance was OK, then you have to accept that they LOST by the same rules, and they get their civilians slaughtered by the same rules of engagement. Or else you're a piece of shit /pol/tard hypocrite that always sucks off Germany. But wait! You are. When Germany wins a war, or is on the offensive, they can do whatever they want and take whatever land, impose any payment, and kill anyone they want. When Germany loses, everyone has to be a big teddy bear, not take Germany's land, not kill civilians, and hug it out.
Not how it works :^)