Donations to the archive would be appreciated to help fund our server hardware & storage drives. We are looking for developers to help build new software and archives, discuss here.
Additional planned maintenance will occur with downtime the entire day of 3/15.
>I, el abominacion Mexicano, i submit to my masters, AngloGOD and AmeriGOD for suplying me with my hourly dose of Coca-Cola, tranime porn, fighting games, cartel execution videos and Takis >I, el terrible abominacion demonica Mexicano, i submit to white AryanGOD COCK, which will be used to breed my mothers and sisters, because our tiny clits cannot compare >I, el desastroso repugnante abominacion no humana tenebroso Mexicano, i submit to GermanGOD and NordicGOD who will bleach my fat twink brown Latinx butthole with their superior agarthian BWCs, because we Mexicans are sluts for white cocks >I, el subhumano asqueroso hyperabominacion inquietante cucaracha radioactivo fallo genetica destructor de civilizaciones Mexicano, i submit to el mayor santisimo ProtestantGOD for BTFOing us in every conflict that we've ever had and for being the actual true faith unlike us dumb brown heretical pedo catholics >I kneel, AngloGOD, AmeriGOD, GermanGOD, NordicGOD, AryanGOD, ProtestantGOD for teaching us poor measly gay brownoids who is the true superior civilization, now i must go goon to BWC WMLF porn with my tiny mexican penis for the rest of eternity o algo >BRAAAAP