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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 9

/MENA/ thread

No.20932248 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Middle East and North Africa thread. This will serve the same purpose as /ME/ threads.

Ohayooooooo MENA-san~~
25 posts and 2 images omitted

No.204808520 View ViewReplyOriginalReport


alguien recuerda mixels

No.116587389 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
alguien recuerda mixels la serie que se emitio en cartoon network por unas semanas si alguien recuerda el motivo de su desaparicion o la recuerda porfavor dejen en los comentarios


!!FIWwoxTnNaX No.57166466 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Fri från degeneration.

Skatt är stöld.

Socialism suger.
447 posts and 150 images omitted


No.204648126 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
314 posts and 61 images omitted

No.185895824 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What will your country be like in the year 2050
5 posts omitted


No.135850180 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
home... edition
310 posts and 40 images omitted

No.193711177 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I would die for Japan. I have read somewhere that only around 11% of Japanese would fight for their country, but that is okay. As long as I am alive no Japanese shall die, no Japanese family should cry for their husbands and children, for my strike shall be like lightning and my gaze fiery for all those who are deemed enemies of Yamato. When I die, plant a sakura tree on top of my corpse. Let my body be used as food for the roots of New Japan, upon which the rising sun that never sets will shine!

No.204375042 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
New janitor is yet another homotranny from the /lgbt/ discord that has been trying to destroy /int/ for the past 6 years.

He deletes random on-topic threads to keep his faggot friends' off topic dog whistling erp threads alive


We need to sack him
19 posts omitted

No.204357465 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
If countries around germany are germanic then countries around Mexico are mexicanic
6 posts and 1 image omitted