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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 102
Is this sword legit, or just some sci-fi bullshit?
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I can tell by the pixels that the stick he is holding has been taken from "The Great Tree"
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i will need more details on that beside 1pixel picture
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>>19158567 Totally legit, I can tell from the pixels!
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>>19158567 >posting a thumbnail commence flaming operation
Operation OP Is A Fag is a go
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balder side sword? yes it's real, and it kicks ass
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I'd like to start a thread about how to get guns that are tough, but not impossible to own. For me I want a Sphinx in 10mm. I know Kriss was the last importer, but from what I understand they aren't importing them into the U.S. anymore. Do I need to find a special FFL dealer to import one? Or am I just stuck trying to find a used one? Pic semi-related.
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[email protected] they're not making 10mms right now though. maybe again in the future.
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I don't mean to derail your thread but I want a Sphinx SDP compact badly.
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Kriss USA is importing Sphinx pistols since they are now both part of the Kriss Arms Group. Yeah the 10mm Sphinx would be the 3000 model. Haven't seen one in a looooonnnngg time. Their new SDP is suppose to be the cats tatas though. I'm waiting for a full size model to be available.
I have the opportunity to go whitetail hunting for the first time next season, and that means its new rifle time! Currently I'm looking at bolt action box fed rifles in .308, like the Ruger American. I'm open to all options however. I'll be hunting in the Wisconsin north woods. No long distance shots, and lots of branches, so I'd prefer a shorter barrel and low weight. My budget is approx. $500 for the rifle alone. I'll get glass separately. Your suggestions, gentlemen?
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>>19081705 Nikon Prostaff is a good piece of glass for 300yd shots
>>19081539 Get a .243.
It's more than enough for a white tail if you're a competent shot.
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>>19082096 .243 is okay but .270 or .30-06 are better cartridges and have better ballistics than .243
I've had several deer hit in the vitals with .243 run for 400-500yds
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Ever considered a Mosin?
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>>19081539 Savage in .30-'06
Best value and best cartridge on the market. The Ruger is too chintzy for the money. The actual M77 is a fantastic rifle but the budget model isn't worth it compared to a Savage 10/110
Savage even sells package deals with bore-sighted scopes already mounted. Depending on the model, the scopes are Nikons or Bushnells.
Nikon scopes are great but I would take a Leupold on sale instead if possible.
Personally, I have never really regretted buying a rifle with a fixed mag. I just carry a leather cartridge wallet for extra ammo. It's less bulky anyway.
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>>19067351 1000 hours in MS paint. Your welcome /k/
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>>19070190 Of course angel. I'm very affectionate :3
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>>19068563 mfw I pay $10 a pack now
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>>19068372,1 Quite the paradox, ghost Anon.
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Can we get a police militarization thread? Doing a presentation tomorrow and I need pics. also argue between yourselves on whether or not police getting MRAPs is a good thing More like this
>>19081106 >Lack of representation of minorities. Stopped reading right there.
They have every fucking Democrat and half the Republicans representing them and their feels.
Fuck off.
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>>19075363 >budget surplus >in the you-nahted stehtes of uhmurrika >2013 ahahahahahahaha riiiiight
>>19081835 >implying those politicians are doing what the minorities need, not just what they want. And yes, I'm saying minorities on the whole, really everyone now that I think about it, do not know what they need. Anonymous
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>>19082147 >implying it isn't a politicians job to what the public WANTS regardless of need
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What does /k/ think of Sons of Guns?
>>19011347 No, some people's best is still mediocre.
>>19011366 Pic related has a writeup about one of RJ's AK's in it.
I didn't mind the read as I am curious about all AK's, but at the end of the article, they had an interview with whats-his-face the main owner guy.
He went on and on about how he thinks the AK is the best rifle ever made in the modern era, etc. etc.
Yet they add all this useless fucking shit to the AK.
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>>19011531 Yeah I agree, that shit is fucking useless. And you know who else thinks that? The guy who fucking built it. They told him he'd get to do the build for the magazine, and he was pretty excited before they told him he had to add all this useless Red Jacket branded shit, most of which Red Jacket can't even sell now because they can't acquire it. Manufacturers either closed shop or got tired of not getting paid. It was another abortive attempt to make money, but no one there knows how to run a goddamn business and it inevitably failed. My point is they have had and do have some good guys there, but sometimes they get buried in bullshit runoff from the show. But they can build and AK.
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>>19011531 Oh and Will can shut his fucking cake hole, he hasn't built a gun in years.
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It seems some of yall do know whats going on at fail jacket. The most retarded run place ever. They had a hit show for god sakes and have nothing to show from it
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Alright /k/, war game time. Let's say you wanted to liberate/abduct ~10 people from a North Korean labor camp. Let's say it's the one in the pic- about 40km from the Russian border and 50km from the coast. Easy Mode: You have access to whatever you want- c-130s, Ospreys, Blackhawks, etc. Hardmode: Small team, in n' out in under 6 hours, no international incident. Is this even possible?
>Reviews What the fuck "Execution area could have been better hidden from the rest of the camp"
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>>19014528 i feel /k should review the fucking eyes out of this place and take it to #1 tourist destination.
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+37° 46' 4.80", +125° 41' 25.92" Type these coordinates into Google Maps. There and entire bay north is filled with activity, yet there is almost none in the South side. Just Norks doing maneuvers or what?
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>the author >Jane Agni is a freelance writer residing in the rain-soaked city of Portland, Oregon. She has written for such fine websites as "The B*tch Opinion" and "A Bleeder's Blog." Her book entitled "The States Of Shame: Living As A Liberated Womyn In America" appeared on Oprah's Book Club and quickly went bestseller shortly thereafter. She's currently at work on the follow up tentatively named "Sisters Of Shame: The Why In Womyn" . There is no way that this is not a joke.
>>18002133 read the comments
>>18002179 Just got to those, ho-ly fuck.
>I for one believe that criminals can change, and that there’s a common thread of decency among all of us. Once they see their fellow citizens handing over their guns to register they will comply as well, surely. >There’s no reason to mistrust our Government. >They have only our best intentions in mind here. Anonymous
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>>18002213 Satire, I want to believe.
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this nutbar writer has taken aim at the goth subculture now. it would be funny if she responded with humor, but wow. this psycho broad is just a massive link troll. it'd be satire if it was funny, but she is just a bully jock.
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So, I went hunting with my old drug dealing buddy from highschool who brought a motherfucking full auto Chinese Type 56 with him. Since he is broke as shit and he late father was a gun nut, I figured that it was just a family heirloom that he decided to bring with him for shits and giggles. Then he said that he would sell it to me for $350, with a drum mag, and of course he has no registration paperwork for it whatsoever. At the rate im going I probably will not be able to afford a legal machine gun until I am an old man. Assuming that I almost never use it in full auto, how bad of an idea dows buying this thing sound?
the worst, where would you shoot it? bearing in mind that full auto gunfire sounds exactly like what it is and nothing else for more than a mile in any direction, and most people will call the police if they hear it
>>18978111 >do it and then hide it and never shoot or speak of it why? if youre gonna bury it someplace and never speak of it again, why buy it at all
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>>18978119 >most people will call the police if they hear it Where do you live? Jew York?
I know a guy with a RR AR-15, he's had it for like 25 years and never had the cops called.
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>>18978140 Why do you think people buy thousands of rounds of ammunition to stockpile and countless guns 'just in case'?