>>18598273>1) there was a school shooting after Port Arthur>MonashTechnically a school shooting but not a mass shooting, only 2 people died and he did it with legally acquired weapons
>2) gun violence is still very much a thing in Australia >police called it "out of control" recently in SydneyGun crime has decreased nationwide, I fail to see how an anecdotal statement you probably found in a tabloid can be of relevance to that fact.
>3) there are many other ways to commit mass murder which are just as efficient, such as arson >a guy in China very recently burned down a bus and claimed many more deaths than Port Arthur, and in a fraction of the time>three or four confirmed arson attacks in Aus since Port Arthur that claimed at least ten lives each, not counting lit bush firesArson has actually declined too
>4.1) the scientific community and the facts in no way support a causal link between "fewer guns" and "fewer murders">4.2) the scientific community and the facts in no way support a causal link between "fewer gun murders" and "fewer murders"Science is not made out of consensus, not to mention that consensus is nonexistent. By scientific community you probably meant to say, scientists that a agree with me.
>Switzerland, New Hampshire, Vermont, ... have many guns and/or lax gun laws and very low murder ratesSwitzerland has restrictive gun laws for civilians, they can own as much bolt-action as they want but else is a different story. The most comprehensive study on guns and murder up to date (1981-2010) demonstrated that "for each 1 percentage point increase in proportion of household gun ownership, the firearm homicide rate increased by 0.9%.". Those states may or may not have low murder rates, point is that they could be lower if their access to guns was lower.
>Brazil, Mexico, Russia, ... have very few guns and/or very strict gun laws and very high murder ratesThat probably has to with more to do with the fact they are developing countries where international drug cartels operate.
>I could probably go on for a whileAnd most of what you'll say would be irrelevant or factually wrong
>Keep in mind, while these aforementioned arguments are rock-solid, do not expect anti-gunners to be reasonable.They aren't
>Once you have presented the aforementioned arguments to an anti-gunner, they WILL resort to>"the fact that there are fewer gun murders alone makes it worthwhile to ban guns"I didn't resort to this, you on the other hand resort to much on unsubstantiated affirmations and too little on actual arguments.