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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 103

No.18973787 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How many /k/ video game projects are there? I know about Innawoods which didn't work out(outside of the character creator) and Evil Death Nightmare. Any others?


No.18963236 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Any /k/ommandos have one of these? What are they like, and how much is reasonable for one?
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Evil Death Nightmare General [EDNG]

!hGCsUnAWl. No.18955641 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Not Even Alpha version 5 is out now!
Obrez is not in this version, but it will have an added effect of setting your opponents on fire!

Any questions/comments/suggestions/blowjobs can be given in this thread~
Windows Version:
MAC Version:
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No.18910085 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
so why is /k/ suck nitpickers about clip versus magazine but routinely misuses "drone" when discussing "uav"? we aren't killing civilians with AI driven drones. we are killing civilians with remotely human controlled unmanned aerial vehicles. i find this mistake much more offensive in the name of all the children we have collaterally been forced to vaporize.
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Sandy Hook unanswered questions...

No.18900351 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

I've read the report in full. Here are my questions/thoughts...

>Federal investigative records were not included, CT State Police only.
>Lanza demonstrated some interesting forethought- choosing to destroy his hard drive, using a .22 to kill Mom, wearing earplugs, carrying over 25% his bodyweight in armament yet using less than half of it...
>No conclusion on whether classroom 8 or 10 was entered first. Unclear why this has been so difficult to ascertain.
>Apparently the first cop arrived in 4 mins and sat in the parking lot another 5 before LEOs actually entered the building.
>Lanza's weapons included two pistols in different calibers with hundreds of rds for each, an AR, and a Saiga 12 which was in the passenger seat of his car...why the fuck SO many weapons and different types of ammo? If a firefight was anticipated why did he shoot himself as soon as the first cop pulled up??
>Lanza shot himself while still carrying hundreds of rds of live ammo for all weapons
>He had one random live 12 gauge round on his person
>The 10mm Glock 20 used for suicide had "appeared to be jammed" apparently on the last shot.
>Lanza weighed 112 lbs and carried 30.47 lbs worth of guns and ammo on his person into the school and used roughly 20% of it.
>He wore earplugs during the shooting.... the fuck does this say? Was he planning on living but the process of going through it was too horrific to live with and he changed his mind? Or did he not like the pain of the noise? Or was he just fucking crazy?
>Live 12 gauge shells found in school attributed to dropped first responders. I believe it but how are they dropping all this crap?

No.18897252 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

>China's aircraft carrier heads to South China Sea amid air zone concerns

>BEIJING, Nov. 26 (Yonhap) -- China's aircraft carrier was set to depart for the South China Sea on Tuesday for a training mission, state media said, amid growing concerns over Beijing's newly declared air defense zone that sparked a war of words with Japan.

>It is the first time that China sent its sole aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, to the South China Sea since it was commissioned last year, Xinhua news agency reported.

>The Liaoning was escorted by two missile destroyers, the Shenyang and Shijiazhuang, and two missile frigates, the Yantai and Weifang, the report said.

China, Grow Larger, etc.
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No.15074721 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
"Sylvester Stallone was originally going to wield the Browning M2 by hand. The gun was weighed in at +120 lbs and Sly could physically carry and fire it, but it was so cumbersome and slow that it cut down the action too much. (Also firing blanks handheld is possible, firing live rounds is another matter). They decided to mount it on the back of a truck instead but the recoil was so immense that it ripped off the truck floor. They bolted the mount down on the truck frame and that is what is seen in the film."

>not wielding a 120lb .50 cal anti-aircraft gun by hand
>do you even lift?
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(un)OFFICIAL /pol/ - /k/ Diplomatic Mission

No.18867738 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hello fellow /k/
I am a frequent and senior member of /pol/ and I would like to just talk with you people about /pol/
Feel free to ask questions, there have been some bad press going around about our board, and i am here to clear any misconceptions.

I would like our boards to be seen as friends and i would like to see further alliances and ties between these two great boards.
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No.18841552 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm usually not the type to make threads like this, but holy shit, 1 string of fully automatic ND and 3 headshots. at a wedding. while dancing. to shitty korean pop gangnam style. in yemen.

Can't make this shit up.

RIP in peace
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CO fags report

No.18837283 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am to soon become a resident of the Aurora area and was wondering what the gunlaws are like there, if I'm reading the synopsis on the NRA website it appears that the only thing you need a permit for is CC
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