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Recent downtime was due to a network issue. Posts were still scraped during this time. Search is working again!
This just in, the intelligent and productive devs of EDN are looking for a single asian voice actor, so if anyone wants to have a go, send your submissions to the email provided.
(Just posting this for ramirez the b&, and any applicants are directed to him)
Should an engineering student dropout such as myself join the marines? What is the probability that I will died? Also, how do I convert AR-15 rifles to go fully automatic?
Has anybody used this Glock lighted chamber loaded indicator in combination with their night vision device? My fear is that it might be too bright, and therefore distracting... but maybe it's not as bright as in this photo.
Yo, its P to the Parkourdude91. You guys might've trolled me, but I have bigger problems now. There are terrorists out to get me. In this thread I'm going to be talking about GOOD guns. I'm not going to post any shitty guns like the Mosin Nagant. I'm only going to post good guns like the Deagle, and the Barrett .50. There is a reason thet real life Navy Seals like me use Deagles, Barrett .50s, and autoshotties. Also, what kind of weed do you guys smoke?
>Arrive attarange out in the boonies in Ontario, my first time being there >Buy a day pass for $20 >Drive around the ranges, find a 100/200 yard range, park and unpack >Set up my SKS, start shooting at a gong 200 yards away >While reloading, I notice the man to my left is also using an SKS >Bubbatacular grey tacticool skeleton stock, bayonet replaced with a bipod (which he wasn't using), rails, red dot >He catches me looking and nods to me >I nod back >He sees me reloading and says "You got any mfffngl mags for yer SKS?" >Can't hear what he's saying over doubled-up ear protection >"What?" >"mfsrnl mags" >I see his 20/5rd tapco mag >"External mags? Nope, I'm just using the internal magazine" >"No no, you got any stripper mags? You know, to load 'em faster?" >whatthefuckdidijusthear.xcf >"S-Stripper clips?" >"Yeah, you know. Here, I just bought a case of Yugo surplus ammo and it all came on mags, take a few of my extras" >"Th-thanks dude, I appreciate it" >"Hey man, no problem" >mfw
Some people think the bullet rises when it leaves the barrel of the gun. In fact, the barrel is tilted upwards because of the recoil.
Some people think the army switched to .223 so they could take more people off the battlefield by wounding them. In fact, it is because .223 is cheaper than .308.
Some people think glocks explode because they have weak frames. In fact, they fall apart simply because they are poorly made.
Some people think AR stands for Assault Rifle. In fact, it stands for Adaptive Rifle because of the possibilities (pic related).
Some people think army guns are automatic. In fact, many procedures require manual operation.
Some people think the AR-15 jams a lot because it get's dirty easy. This is simply not true. In fact, it is a self cleaning gun, but if you shoot it to much, then it gets dirtier faster than it can clean itself.
Some people think the gun industry is conservative. In fact, most gun industry professionals vote for liberals.