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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 108

107-year-old Arkansas man dies in shootout with S.W.A.T.

No.17899494 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

>When officers announced themselves, Isadore shot through the door at them. No officer was hit or injured by the gunfire. The officers retreated to a safer area and supervisors and additional help were called. Supervisors began negotiating with Isadore as soon as they arrived. S.W.A.T. (Special Weapons and Tactics) was also called out.

Guys, what ever happened to "come out with your hands up"?
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No.17892915 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Trigger discipline thread. Let's see the good and bad

>Hilariously bad looking toy
>Dat finger, bright and clear on the "receiver"
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Your blood - their money

No.17859801 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
(from /pol/)
John Kerry reveals Arab countries have offered to PAY America to carry out full-scale invasion of Syria

Read more:

"Offer is on the table."

How do you feel, American patriots?

What Kerry said is that the America's military power is for rent.
The blood of your soldiers is for sale.
Your government is ready to risk lives of the Americans to enforce the interest and policies of Arab states.

In short - They are ready to support Al-Queda in Syria if the sum of money offered by the Arab States would be high enough. This is not even a case of mercenary business on global scale. This is a case of plain, blunt prostitution.

How do you feel now?

Of course - don't make a mistake - If they sell your blood there will be a gratification for them. If they manage to close this deal - All of them can expect to get a huge sums. Kerry, Obama and others will be RICH beyond imagination.

What happen to this once great country? I hope that the US will be great again... And these immoral, crazy people will be shaken off as a bad flee infestation.
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Wish List

No.15383903 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
A billionaire approaches you. He says that he will provide you with 2 weapons of your choosing, one handgun (I'll include machine pistols), and one long arm (this includes rifles, assault rifles, smg's, shotguns, etc.)

Ammo is not an issue, as they will cover costs of ammo for life. You are also allowed to include only three mods to put on either of the weapons. Feel free to split them up or use them all in one place.

One exception. You cannot choose weapons that have never been produced, or custom weapons.

I'll allow prototypes, why not?

What do you choose, /k/?


Long-Arm: An AN-94 with a EOtech NV Holo and fore grip.

Handgun: An MP5K with a fore grip.
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Important MO-thread info!!

!IaQKphUgas!!41JClqcVLv7 No.17849694 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Ok guys,

Apparently, next week on Wednesday, MO senate is going to be revoting on the house bill that will say "Fuck You Federal Gun Laws". I listen to conservative talk radio at work during the day, and the kept mentioning all day.
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No.14084877 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Alright, /k/. I posted in /b/ but it wasn't helpful. I want to buy a Jericho 941 R as my first gun. Is it possible to import it and would it be worth it in the long run?
>inb4 newfag/poorfag
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No.17758907 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
hey /k/
check out this oc
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No.17657047 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This just in, the intelligent and productive devs of EDN are looking for a single asian voice actor, so if anyone wants to have a go, send your submissions to the email provided.

(Just posting this for ramirez the b&, and any applicants are directed to him)
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No.12252601 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Should an engineering student dropout such as myself join the marines? What is the probability that I will died? Also, how do I convert AR-15 rifles to go fully automatic?
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