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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 113


Rhodesian Camo Group Buy Thread

!!+iBQ3vg1oeG No.16632515 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Just got the first scaling photos.

I'll be posting them after posting the customary info.

We are trying to produce new BDU sets (jacket and long pants), boonie hats, and short sleeve bush shirts in the Rhodesian camo pattern.

If you want something, please fill out this form here:
345 posts and 150 images omitted

!I/q/2FUZLs No.16645617 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Congress is supporting an amendment to the NDAA that will PROHIBIT program cancelation before completion of phase III for the Army's Improved Carbine competition.

Hold on to your butts, it ain't over yet.
143 posts and 25 images omitted

!nBkoZiTdrE No.16647602 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Squid Appreciation Thread
3 posts omitted

New weapon.

No.16572982 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/k/anadian here,

Today I was arrested and charged with "Assault with a weapon."
The weapon? A laser pointer, directed at a persons face, for continuously following and staring at my fiance.

So, along with sitting in a jail cell for 3 hours on a Sunday evening, I had my firearms confiscated as well as my PAL, I am not allowed near any firearms or restricted weapons, I will likely have my RPAL application denied, and I'm sure the CAF will tell me they have no interest in a person with weapons assault charges...

How was your day today /k/?
139 posts and 17 images omitted

!I/q/2FUZLs No.16556481 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Kanadian you drunk bastard I need your help! Respond dammit!

Non gearfags pls go.
302 posts and 146 images omitted

Tonight starting at 6 is Jazz and Drinking

No.16535521 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Radio info site:

>Click to Listen
>this should open your media player, clicking/dragging also works for i-devices
>>also, station and track info here

in VLC, iTunes, or foobar2000.

For VLC:
>Open VLC>Media>Open Network Stream>Paste >Play

>Just checked, the stream can be opened as a QT stream on iOS.

>>hold link
>>open in background
>You now have glorious People's Choir, while still use capitalist pigdog telephone.

>File>Add location> >OK>Play

Rough list of current track (not the latest):

Email ((zips of) music, sound, and video files to):
[email protected]

Channel: KRadio
>or type:
/join #KRadio
>if you end up in the wrong place
36 posts and 9 images omitted

/k/ Radio

No.16524489 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Radio info site:

>Click to Listen
>this should open your media player, clicking/dragging also works for i-devices
>>also, station and track info here

in VLC, iTunes, or foobar2000.

For VLC:
>Open VLC>Media>Open Network Stream>Paste >Play

>Just checked, the stream can be opened as a QT stream on iOS.

>>hold link
>>open in background
>You now have glorious People's Choir, while still use capitalist pigdog telephone.

>File>Add location> >OK>Play

Rough list of current track (not the latest):

Email ((zips of) music, sound, and video files to):
[email protected]

Channel: KRadio
>or type:
/join #KRadio
>if you end up in the wrong place

tonight im sorting through the emails and adding new shit
86 posts and 23 images omitted

Question About Shell Casings

No.16528726 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /k/ I've never been here before but have a question I was hoping you could help with.

So for the last week I've been sitting on the jury for an attempted murder. Today they had the Crime Scene Investigator on the stand and something didn't quite add up to me. The basic outline is that a guy was getting out of his car and another guy came over, shot multiple times at him at point blank, then chased him into his yard where he stood over him and shot him in the chest, face, and arms. Witnesses say he fired his semi-auto handgun 8-12 times in total.

However, only 1 shell casing was recovered from the scene. Shouldn't there have been 8-12 recovered? The setting is a neighborhood, not on a hill, not raining/snowing so the shells shouldn't have moved/been covered from where they landed. I could understand them missing a few, but only finding 1 casing from 12 shots? Is that odd or is there just something I'm not getting about guns? They don't know the exact type of pistol used but I thought all expelled casings after firing except for like revolvers.

Any help with this would be great, I really don't get how this came about. Thanks guys
28 posts and 2 images omitted

No.16470007 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
It's that time again...
218 posts and 98 images omitted

!!9rYNYEqmxJM No.16481107 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Since the last one was derailed with shitposting, memorial day feels thread.

This is one of the saddest pictures I have ever seen.
194 posts and 64 images omitted